Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Most of us are ready to become a more fully actualized human, to be on purpose and enjoy our lives to the fullest. Several years ago, our evolution we had more than 2 strands of DNA? I’m told that we had 144 strands actually. As the compassionate humans that we are, we assisted another civilization/species to survive by sharing what we had. There are no victims, so nobody ‘dumbed us down’ or limited us by taking away our extra DNA. We gave it lovingly and willingly to help others. We didn’t realize that there were aspects of consciousness associated with each strand of DNA, so when we ended up with only two, we’d given away 142 aspects of consciousness—gifts and abilities that were our birthright.!
Since that time there have been many ‘masters’ that have incarnated on Earth having all their DNA intact. Jesus is a good example, and he said, ‘everything I do, you can do, and more.’!

Here are two activations that will help you to locate latent strands of DNA and their associated abilities. Each of these glyphs holds the frequency that will help you locate what you think you have ‘lost’. Put your attention on the glyph and intend that you receive the activation and it will be so.!

Common sense has nothing to do with intelligence. Some of the smartest people in the world have shown to have very little common sense. This attribute is centered around making choices that are in alignment with the highest good of everyone. Once activated, you will begin to make all your choices from your heart center, rather than your  head, and you will find that everything you do begins to flow more easily.

! Some of our souls choose to experience the challenges associated with lack of intelligence for an incarnation—just to experience how this feels. Some of our souls choose the opposite. Again, it’s a choice. These judgments and gradients are merely things we can experience in a body, and on the ‘other side’ when we are free from the physical constraints, there is no difference between any of our souls and the amount of intelligence we have. !

Common sense is the key to the fast track of consciousness, and as it is opened everything increases incrementally.!

Jesus said, “I came that you should have life, and have it abundantly.” He didn’t say anything about loss, poverty, lack, pain or suffering. He lived this aspect of consciousness. Everything he required was provided for him, at exactly the moment it was needed. He walked in complete faith and trust that this would be so.!

Where did we get so far off track? When did we internalize the belief that there wasn’t enough to go around? Like so many of the limiting beliefs we have picked up over time, it doesn’t really matter where or when we learned this, only that it isn’t part of our soul makeup. Waking up to that point is the beginning of truly living here on Planet Earth. Until we accept this first basic tenet, fear still has the option of gaining a foothold in our lives.!

Fear slips into our awareness like water through a crack, and undermines our foundation until our entire reality falls into a sinkhole. It happens quickly, literally like a thief in the night, stealing our peace. Before we know it, it has consumed us. What we focus on is what we create, so fear begets more fear until we are paralyzed, stopped frozen in our tracks and unable to see clearly that it is just an illusion. Fear is the illusion, and abundance is our birthright.!

Your external reality is a reflection of your internal landscape. When you place your reference points for safety, security and success outside yourself, you look for your abundance in the external. The source of all abundance is in your connection to Creator God. It is unlimited.!

Abundance is a frequency, a vibration of energy, and unless you hold the energy of abundance within you, it won’t manifest in the outer world. !

With this activation you pull all your reference points back to your Divine Connection to Source and away from money, relationships, job, family, ‘stuff’ or anything outside of you. You create freedom for yourself!!

About Author:
Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak™ Breakthrough Coaching and Therapy Process, as well as being an author, radio show host, world traveler and financially  independent entrepreneur. Her passion is creating Quantum Change in her own life and she loves to share that with others, assisting them to do likewise.

Her nitty-gritty details are that she has a BA in Psychology from Florida State University, she completed the 4 year Education For Ministry curriculum from The University of  the South and she’s published 3 books – Soul Adventures, Reframe Your World: Conscious Creation In The New Reality, and her latest, Power Tools: The Ultimate Owner’s Manual For Personal Empowerment – PLUS 2 amazing decks of empowerment cards: The InnerSpeak Cards and Reconnecting Soul: 142 DNA Activation Cards. All are available on,