Wednesday, 15 July 2015

What’s Your Motivation?

It used to be that we could set goals for success based on financial gains. That’s how we have been trained for years. From childhood we are taught that this is a goal-oriented society; that we should strive for and work hard to attain the goals we set. We’ve been told that without goals, we are floundering like a ship without a sail or a rudder. Am I right?

Everything has changed in the last year. Mass consciousness has risen to a higher level than ever before. We are being showered with vast amounts of light, and that is helping us all to move to new places. However, many of us don’t understand what this means or how best to work in this new reality. It’s so different from anything we’ve ever been exposed to before. Because of this shift, many people are trying to cling to the old ways of living, being and doing. It just isn’t working anymore.

Are you feeling this as well? Are you motivated one day and flattened then next? Do you start down a path or on a project only to find that you lose interest halfway through? These are all symptoms of holding onto the past.

Creation now has to come from our heart, rather than our head. In order to really understand what this means, we have to look at the greater good. For example, if I want to make more money in my career, my old way of doing this would have been to work harder, longer hours, more calls, etc. Now, I must consider how my job, my work, can help more people to succeed. I have to look at what can I give to the outer world that will support higher consciousness, rather than how many students can I get to sign up for my latest class, for example. It really is about the flow—how can I give more to the world, forgetting about what do I get in return. That part will happen organically, based on the laws of the Universe!

Here are some ideas that can help you to move into a new way of living, one that is more in alignment with the new energies on our planet:

  • focus on what you are passionate about from the standpoint of how it can help others
  • stay grounded and connected to the earth
  • your body is your earth energy—meditate and allow your heart to show you what IT wants
  • ask the question – ‘how can I best serve the highest good of all?’

As we all move into this more 5D way of relating, the flow will come more quickly, and we will all be able to stay in it more easily—for longer periods of time. It’s a win-win!

For More Info :

The Way Things Happen

We have choices all the time—how we will react, what we will do based on the situations at hand. Three years ago, a worker fund a thriving hive of honeybees under my log cabin, right under my bedroom. I had to call a beekeeper to remove them. The man gave me a piece of the comb, and it was the most delicious honey I had ever tasted. At the time I wasn’t living there full time, and when I did move to my mountain two years ago, I decided to take up beekeeping as a hobby. Last week I harvested five gallons of amazing honey, and almost immediately, sold 2 gallons of it. My sweet bee-ladies are paying for their keep!

I had a choice. I could have looked at the invasion of the bees as a nuisance—even tried to kill them (ok, that was never an option for me!) Rather I chose to support their existence on my land and help them to thrive. In return they allow me to taste the ‘sweetness of life”.

What choices are facing you today? How will you look at them? As a loving observer or as a judge? Just sayin’~

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