Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Nature of Time

The concept of time is a creation of the linear mind, the ego. Not only is it an illusion, but it’s one that misleads us and makes it more difficult for is to release limitations about who we are and how powerful we are as well. At best,time is circular, but that’s probably more difficult to understand than saying that we exist in many dimensions simultaneously.

What this means is that everything is happening at once—the ‘past’, the NOW,and what we imagine to be the future. Is your head beginning to hurt from trying to figure out how this can possibly be?

Perhaps a better way to explore this is to consider you as the center of concentric circles, each a finger breadth away from the one before. As the  center point, you exist in all of the circles, but each of the circles is distinct.You just ARE.

This is how ‘past lives’ play out. They are happening concurrently with the life you believe you are living in the now moment, and for this reason, you can slip into that realm and make corrections as need be to heal aspects of your soul.

The same goes for the future—you are creating that aspect of reality with your thoughts as they radiate out from your mind in the center of all the circles. When you can look at the big picture in this way, it makes it easier to understand not only why things happen, but what you can do to make them happen the way you want, rather than the way you don’t.

Every thought creates a thing. The old axiom that there are no idle thoughts is very accurate, same with ‘be careful what you think’. When we get an idea or concept in our head, it actually begins to create a form in one of those other circle of reality! The more passion or emotional energy you feed to the thought, the more rapidly the form moves from circle to circle and finally into your space on the earth plane! It’s just that simple. Everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy as well, so get excited about the things you really desire.

In the past, you might have allowed your energy to flow in the direction of what you didn’t want, pulling those things to you and not understanding why. Now that you have the truth of how things manifest, you won’t make that mistake again, right?

All that is, and was ever, needed to allow this to happen is the awareness that it is possible. With that awareness, you simply use your attention and intention and just replay the scenario to the highest end. This is a life-changing tool, and with this activation it’s now at your disposal. There isn’t anything you can’t do, if you are willing to release any thoughts of impossibility and just go for it!

About Author:

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

Find out more at:

Monday, 20 October 2014

Fix You / Fix Me

A big problem that crops up in relationships has to do with the need to ‘fix’. It’s so easy to spot less-than-perfect aspects in another, and generally we have a pretty good idea of how the other people can improve themselves and their quality of life.

That’s all fine and good except  the other person a) doesn’t think there’s anything wrong or lacking in their reality and b) hasn’t asked for our opinion!

At an energetic level when we try to fix someone else, several things happen. First, we have gone into judgment, which lowers our own vibration. Second, our energy follows our attention, so without realizing it, we have created an energetic drain for ourself. On top of this, when we push our desire for the betterment of another in their direction, generally they will push back to us subconsciously and energetically as well. Ouch.

All we ever really want from another (beside love and acceptance, the obvious) is information. This information is best exchanged at the level of the higher self, not by our ego minds. When we can become conscious enough to realize that everything we want to ‘fix’ in another is a reflection of something we think is broken in ourself, then we can ask that the appropriate information being held at the level of our Higher Self to correct this mistake be reflected down to us, where we can model that right energy to the outer world.

Makes for happier relationships all around!

For more info:

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Fabulous Fall Energy

The leaves are beginning to change here, and it seems that change is in the air all around us. The energetic weather is saying “Let go of any relationship that doesn’t serve you, NOW.” Generally when we think about relationships, we think husband/wife, lover, romance, but this call to action is about every relationship in our lives—our relationship with money, with time, with our jobs, our families, friends, our bodies and ourselves. It is possible that by the time we get to November, nothing will be the same. Why might I say that? Well, we have a bunch of stuff going on in the cosmos this month!

Tomorrow our friend Mercury goes retrograde, telling us to slow down and research what is working and what isn’t, and we have three weeks to figure it out. Encased in this scenario, we have a pair of eclipses that promise to be powerful. In particular the Full moon eclipse on October 8.

It’s all good, because it’s all about growth and expansion. Creativity is the key word, so take this time to ground and allow your creative energy to flow.

For more info: