Friday, 14 November 2014

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Did you ever think you would be flying over the rainbow like the bluebird in the song? It never occurred to me that it was possible except perhaps in the realm of fairy tales. I never gave credence to the pot of gold at the end of it either. Every time I searched for it, the rainbow just moved farther away, out of my reach. At some point I just quit looking. I packed up the fairy tales and childhood notions andbegan to live in a 3D world, one that was ripe with disillusion, disappointment and danger.

Things have changed, however. In the last few years, I have begun to move back into the idealism I had as a child. The more I moved in this direction, the more possibilities began to show up in my world.What if…I could fly? What if…I could have everything I wanted as if by magic? What if…wishing upon a star would bring me love? What if…?

The more I asked these questions and looked for the answers like a child would with eyes wide and filled with innocence the more I began to create what I wanted! And along with this, guess what? All those “what if’s” became “why not’s”!

Within each of us lies the ability to change our thoughts to a place where the reflection we find in our outer world shifts into a more positive place. When we get caught up in our stories, in the drama of the past, this ability becomes dormant and before long we get pulled into believing that we have to settle for dull or less or worse. The key to change is to stay conscious of your thoughts. Because they DO create your reality, if what is showing up in your world isn’t to your liking, then it’s time to drill down into those thoughts and find the ones that are keeping you from manifesting joy in your life.

Have you developed a tolerance for having “less than”? For pain, sadness, wounding? If you have, then somewhere in your inner thoughts, you are holding on to a belief that is limiting you. In order toshift this, first the belief has to be identified, then it must be modified to remove the “glass ceiling” that blocks you from getting everything you want. It will be different for each of us. Maybe we are settling for financial security rather than financial independence. Perhaps we are holding on to a belief that we have to work hard and suffer in order to earn what we are paid. Many times we settle for unhappy relationships or low income because our parents did—and sometimes they did because their parents did. It’s time to break out of these cycles—no matter where they came from.

This has been my goal and I’ve done the work and let go of the beliefs.Today I live in a land where all my dreams DO come true. If I can, anyone can!

Make a WISH…

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

For more info:

Monday, 10 November 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a major factor in bringing you what you want. It only makes sense, if you are a student of the Law of Attraction, that if you are grateful for something, you will attract more of it to your reality.

It doesn’t really matter what you are grateful for. It’s the action and the energy that does the work. I suggest keeping a gratitude journal. Buy yourself a little notebook and use a page every day to list the things you are grateful for in that moment of time. As you write them down, send love to the person, place or thing you mentioned. SMILE while you are doing this—you would be amazed at the energy that a simple smile produces!

The next step is to pay attention to what happens in your life. Attention is the second factor in bringing you what you want. When you pay attention, you begin to notice the synchronicities, and as you do that, you will find more and more things to be grateful for.  It’s a beautiful completed circle. You ask. The Universe provides. You notice. You give thanks. The Universe keeps giving you more and more!

For more info: