Thursday, 4 June 2015

Happiness Is An Inside Job

How long have you been searching for contentment, only to find that when you find what you thought would make you happy, after a while you find it doesn’t, and the search begins anew. this cycle of discontent always occurs when we look outside ourselves for anything. And look we do.

The human tendency, and the way we have been trained, is to set goals, then strive to achieve them. I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but it reinforces the idea that there is always something outside that will mean success. In our modern-day world, most of us equate success with happiness.

All too often in my coaching practice I see clients looking for that perfect relationship, that perfect job or that perfect place to live. They believe that once they find it, everything will change for them. It never does in the long run. There is always another lover, another job or another home, and the bottom line is still the same. They are looking.

When we place reference points for any emotion on something outside, our focus becomes scattered. We look energetically like a porcupine, with tentacles moving out in all directions as we reach for the things we think we lack. Then, we aren’t able to use those energies to consciously create the things we desire. Conscious creation requires focus.

Why do we fall into this trap? There are many reasons, but primarily it boils down to our belief systems. Bottom line—we don’t believe we are powerful enough to be able to create happiness, whatever the form we think it my be!

These limiting beliefs come from many areas. We inherit them from our parents and our ancestral lineage. We bring them in from other lifetimes. Things happen to us in this lifetime that set them up. We take on the beliefs of friends and lovers, and the list goes on and on.

Figuring out what these beliefs are is another story. If they were easy to locate, we wouldn’t have them! If we consciously knew what they were, we would laugh and change them. And if we didn’t have them? Well, life would be pretty good, wouldn’t it!

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