Sunday, 8 February 2015


It’s LOVE month, and the bug question is: how we can each have more love in our lives—not just in February, but all the time. First, we must fully understand that love has to happen within before it can manifest in the outer world. Second, love is simply energy, so the Law of Attraction is in operation around love just like any other form of energy.

Here are a few tips for creating more love:

1.Go back through your personal timeline, and think about every love you have ever had. Start with your mother/father, then your kindergarten crush, high school romance, every love you can think of regardless of how significant. Expand this search out to encompass all significant relationships. With each one say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive you. I love you. Thank you.” Even if you don’t think there is anything that you can remember that requires forgiveness on either part, do it anyway. We never know how we affect another person.

2.Take fifteen minutes every day to tell yourself how much you love YOU-every part of you.

3.Write a note to three people who have meaning in your life and mail it (yes—stamp and post office kind of mail—we just don’t do enough of this anymore, and it always makes us feel good to get a hand-written note in our mailbox, doesn’t it!)

Now, let’s expand on each of these exercises. In our timeline, every relationship that we can remember has significance because it shaped a part of us in some way. Odds are the ones you will remember are the ones that had a negative impact, although some of them may just be pleasant memories. As I was doing this exercise, I actually remembered a boyfriend when I was 18 years old, who dumped me for another girl. Until I did this exercise I had forgotten him, and when I did the forgiveness piece, all those old memories came flooding back—my wounded heart, the negative effect on my self-esteem and much more, plus I was able to see the larger picture of how I had allowed this to stand between me an love for the rest of life!

Since love must begin inside ourselves, the second exercise will assist you in believing that you really do love yourself. In the beginning, it will bring up for you all the pieces of you that you don’t love so that you can heal. It’s a process.

Finally, by giving love to others, you open a place in your heart where the Universe can supply you with what you are giving away. The love notes will open your heart in a way that may surprise you!

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

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