Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Happy Holy Days!

We are in the midst of the holiday season. Shoppers are scurrying to buy the perfect last minute gifts. The tree is decorated and the kid’s stockings are hung in eager anticipation of a visit from Santa Claus.

I want to take this time to remind us of the meaning behind the season. The true celebration is the greeting of the Christ within each of us. This is the time for looking within and finding the blessing of the birth of that Christed Consciousness inside our hearts. This is the gift—not something that can be purchased at a department store. It’s the gift that you can only find for yourself, because it it was given to you at the beginning of time by Creator God. YOU are the Magi, the wise one who has journeyed far and wide to find your divinity.

During this blessed holy week, take the time to go within and remember who you are and why you are here. The veil is so thin right now. The heavenly host of angelic support is waiting to assist you. Join the procession. Sing Alleluia! Rejoice!

 It is with deep love that I send you my wishes for the most wonderful Christmas ever!

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Thursday, 24 July 2014

Find The Joy In The Holiday Season!

Holidays can be difficult times for many. This year is no exception. Third dimensional reality displays unemployment, sickness, and governmental upheaval. If we aren’t careful, we can easily get pulled into the drama. In fact, many of us on our path to higher consciousness unconsciously allow the thoughts of the masses to influence our emotions. How many times to you find yourself sad or depressed for no obvious reason?

 This time of year should be a time of joy and a time of renewal. Almost every spiritual tradition supports this, but where is this joy? Are you having difficulty decorating your house or buying holiday gifts this year? There seems to be a pervasive sense of lethargy hanging in the air.

 Let’s use our thoughts to become the change! If everyone who reads this blog participates, this could be a truly great experiment. Set aside a moment to go within to that place where love resides inside you. Look in that safe place where you store your treasures, right behind your heart. This is where you find the joy that can light up this holiday season for you, and when you flip that switch, you send your Light out into the world so that others can see it and remember the truth about why we are here. It can become a domino effect.

 The real purpose behind this holiday season isn’t the giving of gifts or the fancy parties. It is the remembering and rebirthing of your own personal TRUTH. You are both unique and powerful as the creator of your reality, and this season offers you the time to use your personal gifts to do just that – to create JOY. As you remember the feelings of joy, they become contagious, and you are able to share them with other. As you share joy, it grows within you. So take a moment each day to become joy.

And just in case I don’t tell you enough, I am deeply grateful to each of you for the joy you ignite within my heart and in my life. Thank you!

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Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Abandonment is one of the deep-seated fears that many of us hold. It’s been reinforced by wounding from people, places and situations over time to the point that like a thorn in our finger, we go to great lengths to avoid touching anything, in order to keep from stimulating that wound and feeling the pain again.

 Abandonment is an illusion that began when consciousness took motion or became. Everything is just energy. We all know that. But it is merely potential until motion is interjected into the equation. That is what (meta)-physicist Albert Einstein discovered many years ago. When the energy of consciousness took motion and became form, we appear to have reacted to this. Again, the laws of physics say that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

 Some souls, probably not all because not everyone seems to deal with fear of abandonment, chose to perceive that we were being abandoned by the Creator. Another way we could have looked at this would have been that we were being set free by the Creator to play in the park and enjoy that freedom. Do you see this dichotomy?

If you, like me, have been dealing with fear of abandonment, I suggest that it is time to explore the possibilities that what we might have thought of as reality might just be a mis-perception!

For more info:

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Gratitude is an amazing way to begin each day. By simply taking a moment to acknowledge your blessings you place yourself in the right energy to meet every person and situation that comes your way. It places you in the now moment, for sure, but gratitude does so much more. It places you in the flow of universal energy.

When you are in the flow, you are able to receive, so gratitude is a two-way energy. You are giving out love vibration when you give thanks, and the Universe returns that love back to you.

 So many wonderful things vibrate to the frequency of love—money, joy, perfect health and much, much more. The Law of Attraction tells us that what we are is what we attract, so today, stay in gratitude and attract wonderful things!

 Not just in this holiday season, but always—I want to express to each of you how much you mean to me! I love you deeply and I am grateful to you for your support, your essence and just YOU!  

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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Beings of NOW Message For Today

We would like to speak to you today of Limits. Inherently you are unlimited beings of the purest light – unimaginable to your minds at this point – limitless even though your perception tells you otherwise. Therefore we speak with you outside this box of preconceived notions, old beliefs and programs and we speak to you with a frequency that will allow you to break through to a new reality for yourselves. Open your hearts to a new resonance and allow it to penetrate to the core of your being, into your essence.

 For quite some time now this Messenger has been able to observe the limits she has imposed upon herself. We have brought her a stream of clients to mirror this phenomenum just to ensure that she understood how deeply engrained these programs and beliefs have become for you.

 Today we tell you that this “putting God in a box” is ending for you. You beautiful Beings of Light who have chosen to experience HU-man-ness, God in incarnation, are beloved beyond imagination by us and by all throughout all the Universes because this grand experiment in which you volunteered to participate is changing EVERYTHING. The ripple effect extends through all of creation and we honor you for this.

 For many of you this has been a difficult and painful journey back to your power place. It has been fraught with toil, fear, sadness and snares, but you have made it back, even though you might not be fully aware of this yet. The final step you must take now – if you are fully committed – is into CERTAINTY, the certainty of your truth. This maybe the hardest step of them all, but it need not be. If you believe in all that you have done and learned up to today then all you have to do is STEP – and this will be a giant leap that will open the door to your potential, a door that will never close again.

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Friday, 11 July 2014

Time Of New Birth

This is the season for new births and new beginnings. Bulbs are emerging from deep in the ground, trees are beginning to bud, flowers abound. We are in an interesting energy time as well. It’s time for us to reach up and shake off any remaining darkness as we emerge fully into the light for ourselves. Of course this means that our ‘stuff’ that we haven’t cleared will be in our face, primarily looking like our old nemesis, FEAR. But we have come far enough to be able to recognize fear for what it is. It’s a perception, a choice, and we can choose to see anything that causes us to be afraid differently. Always.

For me this season of birth has brought me a new grand-daughter! I didn’t think I would be blessed with any more, but the Universe always surprises us when we allow it! Trinity Daniel Stephens came into this world on April 3, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces of beautiful! Can you tell I am proud! Her parents are my daughter Amanda and her husband Clay Stephens.For more info: