Friday, 29 August 2014

Walking Between Worlds

Things are definitely shifting! Do you feel as if you are walking between two (or more) different world lately, or is it just me? I am sometimes having difficulty remembering which one is real! I am losing things and then later having them appear right where I looked.

What does this mean? In A Course In Miracles, the major theme is that nothing we see around us is real. For many years I struggled with that concept, but now I am beginning to live it. And the blessing I find is that once I accept that nothing is what I think it is, I am then free to change anything to be exactly how I would like it to be! It’s as simple as asking the Universe to show me a better way to see it!

I offer this to you today. Open your heart to ALL the potential that you can imagine. The time for limiting ourselves, just because we are afraid that we might choose the ‘wrong’ thing or create something ‘bad’ like we have done in the past is over. YOU are powerful enough to create all good as the god-creator that you are. I AM too!

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Saturday, 23 August 2014

Relationships 101 – Boundaries

If you want a healthy loving relationship, one of the core foundation pieces has to be healthy boundaries. When these are missing, it doesn’t take long for a healthy relationship to morph into a hate relationship! 

Why? When one partner allows their boundaries to be abused or violated, several things happen. They eventually begin to feel manipulated, taken advantage of, and not respected. Soon, they feel weakened and depressed for no reason. You can see what follows next!

How can you strengthen your boundaries? Here are several tools:

First – get to know yourself better and define what you will allow in any relationship (as well as what you won’t!)

Second – Communicate clearly what you find to every person in your life

Third – State your needs quickly – as soon as you feel any encroachment, stand up for your truth

Finally – Be aware – when you have weak boundaries, master manipulators will be attracted to you. You can’t be a compassionate friend (or lover) until you first have strong boundaries. Otherwise every relationship will move into co-dependency, and you will find yourself being empathetic rather than compassionate. This is when you get sucked dry.

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Monday, 18 August 2014

RELATIONSHIPS 101 – Relationship With Self

This will be the first blog in a series on relationships. Today I want to discuss why the first relationship we should consider is the one with ourselves. In reality it’s the only relationship where you have any control!

Do you really know yourself? What is your TRUTH? What are your core values? As you ponder these, drop into your heart and dig deep, because the answers to these questions are the basis for building the foundation with a healthy relationship with Self.

It’s impossible to have a healthy relationship with others (lover, business partner or friend) until you create this first in your own energy. Why? Because you will attract to yourself people who have the same vibration as you do—and that means you will attract folks who also don’t know who THEY are! Second, it’s impossible to be in integrity unless you know your truth, because you can’t live it unless you are self-aware!

To prove this point, take some time to evaluate the relationships you have attracted in the last few years. I’d be curious to know what you find, so drop me a line and let’s get to work!

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Time To Forgive

Forgiveness is not something we do for the other person, the one we think did us wrong. They could care less! Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. Why, you ask? The injury that we hold within when we can’t let go and forgive another just festers. Day after day, year after year, lifetime after lifetime. It hardens into a stone that weighs us down and keeps us from raising our consciousness. The burden of the wound goes away as soon as we can remember the painful event and let it go.

So often we think we have done this until something happens that knocks the scab off the sore and causes it to bleed again. Just last week, I said something to my daughter about my experience as a new mom forty years ago. She pushed back at me and asked why I always slam my ex-husband, her dad. I didn’t even realize that was what I was doing, but she was right. I spent time in meditation unpacking that one, and realized that I was still harboring disappointment and disillusion about that marriage and my expectations not being met! Finally, I have forgiven – both my ex and myself, and I have to say it feels really good!

Take time today to find three people you need to forgive. Then forgive YOU!

For more info:

Friday, 8 August 2014

Time To Spring Forward!

As I turned my clocks ahead this morning, it occurred to me that it’s time for spring forward in every area of my life. For the last few months I have been thinking about all the things I need to do—but I really have taken very little action. Energy has to follow intent in order for manifestation to take place. This is one of the Universal Laws, and what it means is that just thinking about what you want won’t get it into your reality.

It’s important to be clear on what you desire, for sure, because that is how the Universe knows how to provide for you, but that clarity is just the beginning. Next you have to DO something, to move in a direction, to get the energy flowing. Writing affirmations is nice, but moving in the direction of what you want shows the Universe that you are willing you put YOUR skin in the game. Join me. Let’s spring into ACTION!

About Author:

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching and Therapy Process, as well as being an author, radio show host, world traveler and financially independent entrepreneur. Her passion is creating Quantum Change in her own life and she loves to share that with others, assisting them to do likewise.

Her nitty-gritty details are that she has a BA in Psychology from Florida State University, she completed the 4 year Education For Ministry curriculum from The University of the South and she’s published 3 books – Soul Adventures, Reframe Your World: Conscious Creation In The New Reality, and her latest, Power Tools: The Ultimate Owner’s Manual For Personal Empowerment – PLUS 2 amazing decks of empowerment cards: The InnerSpeak Cards and Reconnecting Soul: 142 DNA Activation Cards.

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Saturday, 2 August 2014

Where Am I Supposed To Be?

I get this question from clients all the time. It’s second only to ‘why am I here and what did I come for’. Here’s my take on it: we are always where we are supposed to be. The reasons are myriad and range from healing to learning lessons about life.

 All too often we become restless and think that if we just move to a new location, things will be better, but experience has shown me that wherever you go, there you are—still the same person with the same issues.

We are about to enter spring. It’s been a long hard winter, both metaphorically and literally, and it’s time to do our spring cleaning. Open the closets and the drawers and find the things that just don’t fit anymore. Repurpose them or give them away. Clear the clutter, both inside and out. You may just find that you are in the exact right place!

For more info:

Friday, 1 August 2014

Shift Is Happening!

There is a lot going on these days. Those who are empathic are feeling it in their emotional bodies, everyone else is experiencing a lot of change – chaos even. Many of us are just scratching our heads and wondering, ‘what did I think that is creating all this?’

 Contrary to what my usual answer would be—that your thoughts always create your reality—this time I have to say that maybe you aren’t completely responsible! Remember, you aren’t the ONLY god!

 My take on the energy right now is that we are in the midst of the Cosmic Shift of the Ages, and everything is up in the air! We are approaching the long-foretold Zero point, the apex of the curve, and when we reach that it’s almost like a roller coaster climbing to the top of the BIIIIG hill. When we go over that point, we will be flying. Right now, we are just about to top it, and everything feels a bit weird. We KNOW something huge is about to let loose, and we are excited, but we just can’t quite see what it is, and if you are like me, you are feeling REALLY ungrounded, wobbly and unsure.

 The key to moving into the amazing feel of the next step is remembering your roots and your truth. What is that you ask? Remembering your connection to God as your source for everything. Letting go of trying to find any source other than God—especially trying to make things happen all by yourself.

 Once you get clear on this simple concept, you are immediately grounded, back in the flow of abundance and everything falls neatly into place once more. All you have to do is through your arms up in the air, squeal for joy and enjoy the ride!

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