Thursday, 15 January 2015


Consider yourself blessed if you are able to fall asleep easily and get a good night’s rest! For the majority of people, however, this is just a pipe dream, and sleep (or the lack thereof) has become their worst nightmare.

Why is the lack of sleep such an issue? First, the body requires rest in order to heal and process the energy of the day. Lack of sleep has now been scientifically proven to be connected to heart disease, post traumatic stress syndrome, obesity, ADHD and autism, among other health issues. At a minimum, your body needs seven hours of sleep every night.

What are some things that disrupt your sleep cycle? A full bladder is one of the major complaints that wake people up at night and disturb their rest. But did you know that light can do this too? Especially the light emitted by the LEDs on digital clocks. In fact, these lights also put out frequencies that can impact your circadian rhythm, and not in a good way. While not scientifically proven, it is also thought that electric devices that have an A/C adapter can also emit EMF that disrupts your sleep.

What can you do to improve your rest and support your body? First, remove anything in the bedroom that can potentially alter your circadian rhythm - your smart phone, television sets, PC, digital clocks are all good examples. Your bedroom should be a temple for sleep, not a place to work, watch TV or be distracted. Next, allow your evening to be a path to sleep. You can do this by reducing stimulation after the dinner hour. Be discriminating with what you watch on TV and eliminate shows that evoke strong response in your nervous system. Cut out caffeine after lunch. Some of us need to cut it out after our morning coffee actually! Don’t forget—chocolate is LOADED with caffeine. Empty your bladder before bed.

This one may sound counter-intuitive, but before you go to bed, drink a glass of room temperature (or even warm) water. If your kidneys are working properly, this shouldn’t cause your bladder to be over stimulated. On the other side, cut back on heavy intake of liquids in the evening—moderation is the key here.

The nutritional supplement melatonin has been proven to be a God-send for those with sleep issues. It’s a hormone produced by the pineal gland. As we age our pineal glands produce less of it, and some chemicals such as fluoride had been shown to slow the production of it even in children. It regulates the sleep cycle, and it doesn’t take much. It’s an inexpensive, natural solution. The recommended dosage is 1 - 3 mg taken an hour before bedtime. Melatonin has other positive effects including potential anti-aging abilities.

If, after all these are tried and you still have trouble either falling asleep or getting back to sleep in the night, be sure not to lay in bed and fret. Get up, go to another room and read or work on a project (not watch TV) until sleep comes naturally for you. Best not to allow sleep issues to become associated with your bed!

Finally, fall in love with sleep. What we resist persists, so when you fight sleep, you just prolong the problem. Sweet Dreams!

For more info:

Monday, 5 January 2015


One of the most powerful tools we can use for personal growth and conscious creation is absolutely free—it only requires a pen and a notebook! Journaling is a great way to clear your mind, focus your thoughts and manifest what you desire. Here are some pointers to get you started, or if you are already journaling, to hone your skills and improve your technique.!

First, let’s examine the how’s and why’s of journaling. I suggest that you will achieve your best and most satisfying results if you do it longhand (hence the reference to pen and notebook), although many use the computer or free blog sites. Writing your  thoughts in a notebook with a pen or pencil engages both hemispheres of your brain in a more complete way than typing on a computer. I find it easier to journal in the morning, when my mind is fresh. Try making a commitment to yourself to do it every day. Julia Cameron, in her book The Artist’s Way, says to write three pages every day.That’s a great initial commitment.

When I first began journaling, I bought the smallest notebook I could find, because I was sure I wouldn’t be able to come up with enough words to even fill a page. Within a week I graduated to a college-ruled version so that I would have more room to chronicle my thoughts!

Why is journaling an effective tool? Where we put our attention is where our energy flows, and where our energy flows is what we create on the physical plane. Journaling focuses your thoughts and gives you a channel for your energy. One important note here is to make sure that you don’t allow your writing to become a ‘bitch session’ however. Why? For the exact reason that journaling is such a great tool for manifesting! If you focus on what you DON’T like about your reality, you will just create more of that. Keep if positive. Even in the suggested topics that follow, you can explore seemingly negative areas of your reality in healthy ways allowing for inner healing.!

Here are some suggestions for topics you can use to get you started:!

1. Who Am I Really?!
2. What Are My Core Negative or Limiting Beliefs?!
3. If I Had 5 Imaginary Lives to Lead Now - What Would They Be?!
4. Who Are My Poisonous Playmates? (Friends who squander your time and energy) and why have I allowed them to stay in my life?!
5. Who Are The Crazymakers In My Life? (People who a.) control you; b.) break deals & destroy schedules, c.) discount your reality; d.) create blame and drama; e.) hate schedules and order except their own) and why haven’t I fired them?!
6. List 20 Things I Enjoy Doing. Next to each one put a date that reflects the last time you did each one.!
7. What Am I Angry About?
8. What Am I Ashamed Of?

Finally, close each day’s entry with something I call Attitude of Gratitude. List at least five things you are grateful for at the moment. This is probably the most important thing you will do. Focusing on your blessings creates even more of them!

Jean Adrienne is and intuitive coach and inspirational speaker, and the developer of InnerSpeak, a process to assist in easily releasing the blocks which keep you from manifesting the reality you desire and deserve.

For more info: