Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Shift IS Happening!

There is a ton of energetic movin’ and shakin’ taking place on Planet Earth right now, and I’m not just talking about the weather! We have stepped through the doorway into a completely new reality, both physically and energetically. How’s that working for YOU?

In my world, I am looking at everything completely differently than I did even two weeks ago. I have a clarity that wasn’t there before, a detachment even, that is healthy. Additionally I am finding that manifestation is happening VERY quickly, so I’m having to stay present with my thoughts and my words, in order to ensure that I’m creating what I want rather than what I don’t.

The ‘Tip of the Day’ that I want to share with you has to do with staying centered. Pull your energies inside, to your heart space. Let go of the ‘outer’, then pull that center down a bit lower, around your belly button. This will have the effect of lowering your center of gravity. Now imagine you are riding a surf board, shifting your balance to adjust to match the movement of the wave. Have fun with this, and hold this vision throughout the day. Ride the energies now in just the same manner. Maintain your center and stay above the wave. You will be amazed at how much easier your ride will be, so enjoy it!

As always, if you need some coaching, I’m here for you! On the homepage of my website is a button you can click for a complimentary consultation to boost your confidence on your adventure!

For More Info : http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Happiness Is An Inside Job

How long have you been searching for contentment, only to find that when you find what you thought would make you happy, after a while you find it doesn’t, and the search begins anew. this cycle of discontent always occurs when we look outside ourselves for anything. And look we do.

The human tendency, and the way we have been trained, is to set goals, then strive to achieve them. I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but it reinforces the idea that there is always something outside that will mean success. In our modern-day world, most of us equate success with happiness.

All too often in my coaching practice I see clients looking for that perfect relationship, that perfect job or that perfect place to live. They believe that once they find it, everything will change for them. It never does in the long run. There is always another lover, another job or another home, and the bottom line is still the same. They are looking.

When we place reference points for any emotion on something outside, our focus becomes scattered. We look energetically like a porcupine, with tentacles moving out in all directions as we reach for the things we think we lack. Then, we aren’t able to use those energies to consciously create the things we desire. Conscious creation requires focus.

Why do we fall into this trap? There are many reasons, but primarily it boils down to our belief systems. Bottom line—we don’t believe we are powerful enough to be able to create happiness, whatever the form we think it my be!

These limiting beliefs come from many areas. We inherit them from our parents and our ancestral lineage. We bring them in from other lifetimes. Things happen to us in this lifetime that set them up. We take on the beliefs of friends and lovers, and the list goes on and on.

Figuring out what these beliefs are is another story. If they were easy to locate, we wouldn’t have them! If we consciously knew what they were, we would laugh and change them. And if we didn’t have them? Well, life would be pretty good, wouldn’t it!

For More Info :  http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Hiking a Georgia waterfall in a pair of flip-flops might not be the best idea, but for me it created a situation where I could test my healing skills—on myself. I live in a cabin in the mountains of north Georgia within a short driving distance of eight waterfalls and hiking them is one of my passions. i decided to climb up one, then decided that wasn’t a very good idea. On my way down I slipped and fell, and thought immediately, “I probably broke my arm.” My hand was just hanging there. It hurt really bad. I plunged my arm into the frigid waters of the stream to stop the swelling, then called on the Seven Healing Rays—violet to calm my emotions and green to work with bones and joints. While I was working with these colors, I formulated a plan to have my friends take me home. But when I pulled my arm out of the water, it felt so much better that i went on to hike the next waterfall. Without an X-ray we’ll never know if my arm was broken, but i spent the rest of her day with my friends in the outdoors instead of at an emergency room.

We all have awakening stories – those moments when we KNOW the curtain between the physical and spiritual worlds is as thin as a tissue. For me, this moment happened when I took a class called Seven Rays Healing. After the first class, where I was introduced to Ascended Masters through a meditation, I went home and went to bed.

A booming voice woke me up in the middle of the night and said, “Put your hands together and please put the soles of your feet together!” I looked over at my sleeping ex-husband thinking he was playing a joke on me. He wasn’t. He was sound asleep. So I put my hands and feet together. An amazing movie of purple and violet shapes flashed before my eyes. The next day I showed up early for the second day of the class so I could tell my teacher what happened. She showed me a copy of sacred geometry drawings from “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo Melchizidek. I had been given a vision of sacred geometry that changed the trajectory of my life. After the class, she spent the next three months eating, sleeping and writing her book “Soul Adventures” and creating the InnerSpeak energy response work that would become the basis for my coaching.

I use a lot of healing modalities including Reiki, but Seven Rays is the form of hands-on healing I use most often. It’s fast, intense and specific. I use it once and the job gets done. Plus it’s an important tool in my individual coaching sessions, along with my primary modality, InnerSpeak. One of the rays usually comes in when I’m working with someone. And people always have results.

Here are some additional tips for healing work – for others as well as yourself. You can’t heal someone who doesn’t want to be healed, they MUST participate in the process. She believes that there are 4 tenets to healing: a) it must be requested, b) the client has to participate, c) they will only be healed to the level of their consciousness or their belief, and d) gratitude is the cement that makes it last. Healing always leaves an empty space, and since nature hates a vacuum it will fill it—sometimes with the very thing you wanted to get rid of. So give thanks for what you receive—gratitude seals the deal! It’s the thing that brings God’s love pouring in. And forgiveness always comes in as part of the
healing process.

Since the Universe’ answer to every request is always yes, it’s important to stay open to possibilities. We limit how much we can receive by thinking we know what’s supposed to happen. When we do any form of healing we have to stay in surrender, and not be attached to any outcome, because only at the level of the Higher Self, can any of us know what is the best solution for ourselves or others. Anything less is a form of judgment and that is against the Universal Rules!

For More Info :  http://www.jeanadrienne.com