Monday, 14 September 2015


We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain”.

Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter.

All that you are can be expressed in this way – Divine Thought. When you can remember this one concept, you will hold the ultimate key to manifestation. All the power of the Universes is contained within your heart and your mind – or more precisely within the mind of your heart. Therefore, with your thoughts, you can do anything, create anything, and transform anything. Everything that you see or perceive in your own particular reality is the product of your thoughts. And if you want to maximize your ability to create what you want in your life, you have to understand this. You have to BELIEVE this.

The energy frequency of creation is love, so according to the natural law of attraction, in order to attune yourself with your creative power, you must align with the frequency of love. You must love yourself at every level and in every way. This has been a hurdle for many because dogmas have told you that this was inappropriate – that focusing your attention on loving yourself was wrong, selfish. You have been taught that you were supposed to love others first – to place them in a greater place of importance than your hold yourself. Well guess what that did for you? When you believed that dictum is the point where you gave away your power to create. It was this shift in your energy away from your inherent power of love that has been documented in so many cultures as the fall from grace.

Everything you desire to change in your reality is possible through the energy of love. Rather than disliking the things you don’t want to see anymore—your irritating boss, your debt, your flabby thighs or any aspect of your body you deem to be in ill health—you must first love them. Fall deeply in love with them. Expand your heart center and allow it to communicate your love to your body, your bills and your boss. Love them totally and then decide what you would like to create. Would that be a completely new job, enough money to erase your debts, a younger or healthier body? Decide—commit fully to your decision and then love it.

In the past, where we have fallen short in efforts of manifest what we wanted was due to lack of commitment. When commitment wasn’t there, we didn’t really believe it was possible to have “it” (whatever it was). This was because we didn’t truly love ourselves enough to blow through old beliefs around deserving. If there is any doubt, you will not be able to materialize the energy of creation into the density of your dimension of reality. In plain English – you won’t be able to make it dense enough to be able to see it, even though you will have created it energetically. Therefore, if you catch yourself questioning whether or not something is going to happen for you, you can know for sure that you have fallen away from your commitment.

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host. Find out more at

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


I thought I WAS flexible! That is when the Universe decided to show me all the areas where I wasn’t. For several years I have dealt with knee pain and the inability of my right knee to bend past a ninety degree angle (can you say ‘inflexible’?) Over time I have tried many healing methods to correct this with little or no change.

Recently I was made aware of just how rigid I had become relative to schedules and my own timeframes when I was in charge of hosting a healer at my office. It seemed that every appointment was delayed, changed or conflicted, and I found myself getting more and more stressed, until the point where I just had to let it go. I gave up. In that moment I realized that each and every person got exactly what they needed when they needed it, and the only one who was stressing was ME. That’s when I realized the degree of inflexibility I had reached! In that moment, a physical change occurred in my body. While I still can’t bend my knee completely yet, I am now able to get it past that old ninety degree point. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I will be able to sit in the child pose and get back to my yoga practice!

Tied in with this lesson is the idea of complete surrender—I now call it ‘free-falling’. As I let go of my rigid thoughts about how things should be, I am freeing myself from the restraints I was placing on my reality and miracles are showing up, more and more every day!

For more info: