Sunday, 21 December 2014

The True Holiday spirit

How often we tend to lose the spirit of the holiday and get caught up in the energies of mass consciousness, the spending frenzy, fear, panic and depression. This doesn’t have to be the case, but we have been trained over the years to allow our energies to get outside ourselves. When this happens, we get sucked in to lower vibrations.

Holidays can be difficult times for many. This year is no exception. Third dimensional reality displays rampant unemployment, sickness, and governmental upheaval. On top of this we have major weather disruptions and the threat of terrorism. If we aren't careful, we can easily get pulled into the drama. In fact, many of us on our path to higher consciousness unconsciously allow the thoughts of the masses to influence our emotions. How many times to you find yourself sad or depressed for no obvious reason?

All of these manifestations are reflections of our own inner landscapes. During this time of year the veils are very thin between dimensions as well, so not only are we seeing and feeling our issues in the outer world, but we are also dredging up old memories, wounds and such from other dimensional aspects of our realities—other lifetimes even. The consciousness on Earth right now is one of change, of growing into higher vibrations and frequencies and shedding everything from our past that no longer serves or supports our energy. Everything that is not love that we perceive around us is simply a reminder, a marker that we have more work to do to release our lower energies so that we can become our best and highest good.

This time of year should be a time of joy and a time of renewal. Almost every spiritual tradition supports this, but where is this joy? Are you having difficulty decorating your house or buying holiday gifts this year? There seems to be a pervasive sense of lethargy hanging in the air. Part of this is due to the immense amount of change we are going through. Many of us know we are on the verge of a breakthrough or a new direction, but we can’t seem to see clearly enough to know where to step. Partly this is due to the flux itself. Reality is like Jello right now! It’s trying to set up, but it hasn’t quite made it. If you ever watched your grandmother make a gelatin salad for the holiday table, you can get a sense of what this means. First she created the colored Jello. Then, before it was fully set, she added fruit, cream cheese, maybe some coconut, and stirred it all up. One moment it looked like a completed dessert, but in the blink of an eye it was turned into something else altogether—something even more delicious than you would have imagined!

Let's use our thoughts to become the change! If everyone who reads this blog participates, this could be a truly great experiment. Set aside a moment to go within to that place where love resides inside you. Look in that safe place where you store your treasures, right behind your heart. This is where you find the joy that can light up this holiday season for you, and when you flip that switch, you send your Light out into the world so that others can see it and remember the truth about why we are here. It can become a domino effect.

The real purpose behind this holiday season isn't the giving of gifts or the fancy parties. It is the remembering and rebirthing of your own personal TRUTH. You are both unique and powerful as the creator of your reality, and this season offers you the time to use your personal gifts to do just that - to create JOY. As you remember the feelings of joy, they become contagious, and you are able to share them with other. As you share joy, it grows within you. So take a moment each day to become joy.

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

Friday, 14 November 2014

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

Did you ever think you would be flying over the rainbow like the bluebird in the song? It never occurred to me that it was possible except perhaps in the realm of fairy tales. I never gave credence to the pot of gold at the end of it either. Every time I searched for it, the rainbow just moved farther away, out of my reach. At some point I just quit looking. I packed up the fairy tales and childhood notions andbegan to live in a 3D world, one that was ripe with disillusion, disappointment and danger.

Things have changed, however. In the last few years, I have begun to move back into the idealism I had as a child. The more I moved in this direction, the more possibilities began to show up in my world.What if…I could fly? What if…I could have everything I wanted as if by magic? What if…wishing upon a star would bring me love? What if…?

The more I asked these questions and looked for the answers like a child would with eyes wide and filled with innocence the more I began to create what I wanted! And along with this, guess what? All those “what if’s” became “why not’s”!

Within each of us lies the ability to change our thoughts to a place where the reflection we find in our outer world shifts into a more positive place. When we get caught up in our stories, in the drama of the past, this ability becomes dormant and before long we get pulled into believing that we have to settle for dull or less or worse. The key to change is to stay conscious of your thoughts. Because they DO create your reality, if what is showing up in your world isn’t to your liking, then it’s time to drill down into those thoughts and find the ones that are keeping you from manifesting joy in your life.

Have you developed a tolerance for having “less than”? For pain, sadness, wounding? If you have, then somewhere in your inner thoughts, you are holding on to a belief that is limiting you. In order toshift this, first the belief has to be identified, then it must be modified to remove the “glass ceiling” that blocks you from getting everything you want. It will be different for each of us. Maybe we are settling for financial security rather than financial independence. Perhaps we are holding on to a belief that we have to work hard and suffer in order to earn what we are paid. Many times we settle for unhappy relationships or low income because our parents did—and sometimes they did because their parents did. It’s time to break out of these cycles—no matter where they came from.

This has been my goal and I’ve done the work and let go of the beliefs.Today I live in a land where all my dreams DO come true. If I can, anyone can!

Make a WISH…

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

For more info:

Monday, 10 November 2014

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a major factor in bringing you what you want. It only makes sense, if you are a student of the Law of Attraction, that if you are grateful for something, you will attract more of it to your reality.

It doesn’t really matter what you are grateful for. It’s the action and the energy that does the work. I suggest keeping a gratitude journal. Buy yourself a little notebook and use a page every day to list the things you are grateful for in that moment of time. As you write them down, send love to the person, place or thing you mentioned. SMILE while you are doing this—you would be amazed at the energy that a simple smile produces!

The next step is to pay attention to what happens in your life. Attention is the second factor in bringing you what you want. When you pay attention, you begin to notice the synchronicities, and as you do that, you will find more and more things to be grateful for.  It’s a beautiful completed circle. You ask. The Universe provides. You notice. You give thanks. The Universe keeps giving you more and more!

For more info:

Thursday, 30 October 2014

The Nature of Time

The concept of time is a creation of the linear mind, the ego. Not only is it an illusion, but it’s one that misleads us and makes it more difficult for is to release limitations about who we are and how powerful we are as well. At best,time is circular, but that’s probably more difficult to understand than saying that we exist in many dimensions simultaneously.

What this means is that everything is happening at once—the ‘past’, the NOW,and what we imagine to be the future. Is your head beginning to hurt from trying to figure out how this can possibly be?

Perhaps a better way to explore this is to consider you as the center of concentric circles, each a finger breadth away from the one before. As the  center point, you exist in all of the circles, but each of the circles is distinct.You just ARE.

This is how ‘past lives’ play out. They are happening concurrently with the life you believe you are living in the now moment, and for this reason, you can slip into that realm and make corrections as need be to heal aspects of your soul.

The same goes for the future—you are creating that aspect of reality with your thoughts as they radiate out from your mind in the center of all the circles. When you can look at the big picture in this way, it makes it easier to understand not only why things happen, but what you can do to make them happen the way you want, rather than the way you don’t.

Every thought creates a thing. The old axiom that there are no idle thoughts is very accurate, same with ‘be careful what you think’. When we get an idea or concept in our head, it actually begins to create a form in one of those other circle of reality! The more passion or emotional energy you feed to the thought, the more rapidly the form moves from circle to circle and finally into your space on the earth plane! It’s just that simple. Everything is energy. Your thoughts are energy as well, so get excited about the things you really desire.

In the past, you might have allowed your energy to flow in the direction of what you didn’t want, pulling those things to you and not understanding why. Now that you have the truth of how things manifest, you won’t make that mistake again, right?

All that is, and was ever, needed to allow this to happen is the awareness that it is possible. With that awareness, you simply use your attention and intention and just replay the scenario to the highest end. This is a life-changing tool, and with this activation it’s now at your disposal. There isn’t anything you can’t do, if you are willing to release any thoughts of impossibility and just go for it!

About Author:

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

Find out more at:

Monday, 20 October 2014

Fix You / Fix Me

A big problem that crops up in relationships has to do with the need to ‘fix’. It’s so easy to spot less-than-perfect aspects in another, and generally we have a pretty good idea of how the other people can improve themselves and their quality of life.

That’s all fine and good except  the other person a) doesn’t think there’s anything wrong or lacking in their reality and b) hasn’t asked for our opinion!

At an energetic level when we try to fix someone else, several things happen. First, we have gone into judgment, which lowers our own vibration. Second, our energy follows our attention, so without realizing it, we have created an energetic drain for ourself. On top of this, when we push our desire for the betterment of another in their direction, generally they will push back to us subconsciously and energetically as well. Ouch.

All we ever really want from another (beside love and acceptance, the obvious) is information. This information is best exchanged at the level of the higher self, not by our ego minds. When we can become conscious enough to realize that everything we want to ‘fix’ in another is a reflection of something we think is broken in ourself, then we can ask that the appropriate information being held at the level of our Higher Self to correct this mistake be reflected down to us, where we can model that right energy to the outer world.

Makes for happier relationships all around!

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Sunday, 5 October 2014

Fabulous Fall Energy

The leaves are beginning to change here, and it seems that change is in the air all around us. The energetic weather is saying “Let go of any relationship that doesn’t serve you, NOW.” Generally when we think about relationships, we think husband/wife, lover, romance, but this call to action is about every relationship in our lives—our relationship with money, with time, with our jobs, our families, friends, our bodies and ourselves. It is possible that by the time we get to November, nothing will be the same. Why might I say that? Well, we have a bunch of stuff going on in the cosmos this month!

Tomorrow our friend Mercury goes retrograde, telling us to slow down and research what is working and what isn’t, and we have three weeks to figure it out. Encased in this scenario, we have a pair of eclipses that promise to be powerful. In particular the Full moon eclipse on October 8.

It’s all good, because it’s all about growth and expansion. Creativity is the key word, so take this time to ground and allow your creative energy to flow.

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Sunday, 28 September 2014

Focus And Attention

These are the keys for getting what you want these days. I can’t stress enough how important it is to be aware of what you are thinking and saying–now more than ever before–because things are manifesting SO quickly now. In fact, with the full moon of tomorrow shining brightly on your intentions, you can make powerful  shifts in your life right now.

That shift word can be scary, I know. We’ve been programmed to mean that change has to mean loss at some level, but if you are losing stuff that isn’t SERVING you anymore, can that be a bad thing? For the last nine months, the energies have been prompting us to do our inner house-cleaning that we have put off for years (maybe lifetimes?) and to locate and clear out unhealthy relationships primarily, but also to sweep away unhealthy habits and programs from the past as well. Use the energy of the Super Moon to help you get this going!  So change your thoughts about shift and allow it to be the positive influence that it is meant to be.

To support you on your path, I have created the Realities of Creation tele summit, and I hope you will join me. Go to to sign up – It’s all completely free. There are a bunch of freebies waiting for you when you register, so COME ON!

For more info:

Thursday, 18 September 2014

The Realities of Creation

Have you ever played with imagining what you would wish for if you found Aladdin’s lamp and the Genie inside? I used to spend HOURS pondering what my three wishes would be and how they might impact my life.

What I have come to realize is that doing this, and then actually believing you can have your wishes come true is a major step forward in creating it to happen! If you can conceive something you can create it, and your tools are your imagination and your emotions—passion, actually. We keep ourselves from having and experiencing so much because we don’t believe we can, and most of the time this is because someone else told us we couldn’t. When these admonitions come from people we think are persons of authority (parents, teachers, the media) we then to believe that they are true. It’s time for us to locate all these limiting beliefs and replace them with “I can…” and “I will…”.

Because we are multi-dimensional beings, we have the ability to create in several, if not many, different realities. We aren’t just limited to the physical world anymore. Truly we never were, but we just weren’t able to expand our minds to be able to see that. We had no frame of reference. The past is gone, taking with it all thoughts of playing small. You have found that magic lamp, and you aren’t limited to just three wishes—you can have as much (or as little) as you can handle.

Additionally, we create in multiple realities! One of these is the reality of emotion. Emotion is the fuel that activates your thoughts and intentions to bring them to fruition. You actually have an etheric body that holds your emotions.

Another creation reality is your DNA. DNA is much more than what science has discovered so far. In fact, science has dismissed most of the DNA in our bodies as junk. What if all the DNA components science doesn’t understand actually involve creation? I believe this is true.

You create in your dreams, a third reality. When you are in dream space, whether this is during sleep or during a day-dream, your brain is in it’s most creative vibration.

So what does this all mean? In order to maximize your ability to create everything you desire, there are three keys to success:

- make sure your intentions are in alignment with your truth

- be very clear about what you desire

- enlist support in every creation reality

In every moment you are creating. WHAT you create is your choice. As our consciousness increases, more possibilities unfold before us, so please just keep asking bigger questions, open-ended ones. Keep reaching for the stars, because they aren’t as far away as they might appear.

Jean Adrienne is the creator if the karmic clearing method InnerSpeak. She’s also the keynoter for the tele summit The Realities of Creation. Find out more at

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Monday, 15 September 2014

Paradigm Shift

A paradigm shift is what occurs when mass consciousness embraces a new way of looking at reality. It also occurs on an individual basis, and actually this what is the precursor to the shift happening on a global scale. So, it’s the old adage of changing the world one heart at a time.

I experienced a paradigm shift recently. I attended a workshop by Raymon Grace, dowsing expert. Raymon exposed us to a new way of seeing the outer world—with NO limits. I was able to actually internalize what I have thought for a long time. If I can conceive it I can create it. I was able to bridge the gap on this new paradigm this weekend and WOW what a change!

Nothing in my reality remains the same. I am so excited about the possibility of what I can create moment to moment in my life. This is HUGE folks! The reason I am sharing is that if I can get this—so can you. The challenge as I see it is to ask bigger questions, affirm preposterous stuff—really get outside the box! Because YOU CAN CREATE THIS!

I also learned where limiting beliefs about deserving can hide—in body parts. Now, I’ve known for years that our body parts had consciousness and purpose, but I didn’t realize how much their holding onto wounds and negative beliefs could sabotage our ability to have what we want and deserve.

Are you ready for your own paradigm shift? If you want assistance in clearing this stuff, you know where I am, and I am happy to assist you in rocking YOUR world as well!

For more info:

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Letting Go, Really?

We all struggle with trust issues—some of us more than others. How often have you heard the phrase, ‘Let go and let God?” How often have you tried, but later found you were still trying to control the situation yourself?

Nothing can really happen until we do, in fact, let go, give up, surrender. What if this lifetime is just one alchemical experiment after another, until we finally reach the proof that God and the Universe just want what is in the highest good for us and our souls? Recently, I have come to the conclusion that this is the case.

This week, I am visiting with my three month old grand-daughter. Babies are the perfect metaphor for this. When she is hungry, the food appears. When she is soiled, her diaper is changed almost immediately, and when she’s sleepy, someone is there to rock her gently to sleep.

We have been told that this is the way for all of us to find Heaven, like a little child. But somewhere along the way we have forgotten and lost our trust that God will provide everything we require. We just keep on trying to control every situation, refusing to trust in what we have been promised.

All our lessons in conscious creation run counter to this truth. We are told to visualize, to imaging and give thanks that we already have what we need. And this is PART of the process, no doubt. But what if God and the Universe know even better than we do what is for our highest good? What if God is just waiting for us to stop struggling and allow for the highest good to take place?

Give it a try? Let go FOR REAL? Relax and release all your expectations and allow. You will be surprised!

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Friday, 29 August 2014

Walking Between Worlds

Things are definitely shifting! Do you feel as if you are walking between two (or more) different world lately, or is it just me? I am sometimes having difficulty remembering which one is real! I am losing things and then later having them appear right where I looked.

What does this mean? In A Course In Miracles, the major theme is that nothing we see around us is real. For many years I struggled with that concept, but now I am beginning to live it. And the blessing I find is that once I accept that nothing is what I think it is, I am then free to change anything to be exactly how I would like it to be! It’s as simple as asking the Universe to show me a better way to see it!

I offer this to you today. Open your heart to ALL the potential that you can imagine. The time for limiting ourselves, just because we are afraid that we might choose the ‘wrong’ thing or create something ‘bad’ like we have done in the past is over. YOU are powerful enough to create all good as the god-creator that you are. I AM too!

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Saturday, 23 August 2014

Relationships 101 – Boundaries

If you want a healthy loving relationship, one of the core foundation pieces has to be healthy boundaries. When these are missing, it doesn’t take long for a healthy relationship to morph into a hate relationship! 

Why? When one partner allows their boundaries to be abused or violated, several things happen. They eventually begin to feel manipulated, taken advantage of, and not respected. Soon, they feel weakened and depressed for no reason. You can see what follows next!

How can you strengthen your boundaries? Here are several tools:

First – get to know yourself better and define what you will allow in any relationship (as well as what you won’t!)

Second – Communicate clearly what you find to every person in your life

Third – State your needs quickly – as soon as you feel any encroachment, stand up for your truth

Finally – Be aware – when you have weak boundaries, master manipulators will be attracted to you. You can’t be a compassionate friend (or lover) until you first have strong boundaries. Otherwise every relationship will move into co-dependency, and you will find yourself being empathetic rather than compassionate. This is when you get sucked dry.

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Monday, 18 August 2014

RELATIONSHIPS 101 – Relationship With Self

This will be the first blog in a series on relationships. Today I want to discuss why the first relationship we should consider is the one with ourselves. In reality it’s the only relationship where you have any control!

Do you really know yourself? What is your TRUTH? What are your core values? As you ponder these, drop into your heart and dig deep, because the answers to these questions are the basis for building the foundation with a healthy relationship with Self.

It’s impossible to have a healthy relationship with others (lover, business partner or friend) until you create this first in your own energy. Why? Because you will attract to yourself people who have the same vibration as you do—and that means you will attract folks who also don’t know who THEY are! Second, it’s impossible to be in integrity unless you know your truth, because you can’t live it unless you are self-aware!

To prove this point, take some time to evaluate the relationships you have attracted in the last few years. I’d be curious to know what you find, so drop me a line and let’s get to work!

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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Time To Forgive

Forgiveness is not something we do for the other person, the one we think did us wrong. They could care less! Forgiveness is something we do for ourselves. Why, you ask? The injury that we hold within when we can’t let go and forgive another just festers. Day after day, year after year, lifetime after lifetime. It hardens into a stone that weighs us down and keeps us from raising our consciousness. The burden of the wound goes away as soon as we can remember the painful event and let it go.

So often we think we have done this until something happens that knocks the scab off the sore and causes it to bleed again. Just last week, I said something to my daughter about my experience as a new mom forty years ago. She pushed back at me and asked why I always slam my ex-husband, her dad. I didn’t even realize that was what I was doing, but she was right. I spent time in meditation unpacking that one, and realized that I was still harboring disappointment and disillusion about that marriage and my expectations not being met! Finally, I have forgiven – both my ex and myself, and I have to say it feels really good!

Take time today to find three people you need to forgive. Then forgive YOU!

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Friday, 8 August 2014

Time To Spring Forward!

As I turned my clocks ahead this morning, it occurred to me that it’s time for spring forward in every area of my life. For the last few months I have been thinking about all the things I need to do—but I really have taken very little action. Energy has to follow intent in order for manifestation to take place. This is one of the Universal Laws, and what it means is that just thinking about what you want won’t get it into your reality.

It’s important to be clear on what you desire, for sure, because that is how the Universe knows how to provide for you, but that clarity is just the beginning. Next you have to DO something, to move in a direction, to get the energy flowing. Writing affirmations is nice, but moving in the direction of what you want shows the Universe that you are willing you put YOUR skin in the game. Join me. Let’s spring into ACTION!

About Author:

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching and Therapy Process, as well as being an author, radio show host, world traveler and financially independent entrepreneur. Her passion is creating Quantum Change in her own life and she loves to share that with others, assisting them to do likewise.

Her nitty-gritty details are that she has a BA in Psychology from Florida State University, she completed the 4 year Education For Ministry curriculum from The University of the South and she’s published 3 books – Soul Adventures, Reframe Your World: Conscious Creation In The New Reality, and her latest, Power Tools: The Ultimate Owner’s Manual For Personal Empowerment – PLUS 2 amazing decks of empowerment cards: The InnerSpeak Cards and Reconnecting Soul: 142 DNA Activation Cards.

For more info:

Saturday, 2 August 2014

Where Am I Supposed To Be?

I get this question from clients all the time. It’s second only to ‘why am I here and what did I come for’. Here’s my take on it: we are always where we are supposed to be. The reasons are myriad and range from healing to learning lessons about life.

 All too often we become restless and think that if we just move to a new location, things will be better, but experience has shown me that wherever you go, there you are—still the same person with the same issues.

We are about to enter spring. It’s been a long hard winter, both metaphorically and literally, and it’s time to do our spring cleaning. Open the closets and the drawers and find the things that just don’t fit anymore. Repurpose them or give them away. Clear the clutter, both inside and out. You may just find that you are in the exact right place!

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Friday, 1 August 2014

Shift Is Happening!

There is a lot going on these days. Those who are empathic are feeling it in their emotional bodies, everyone else is experiencing a lot of change – chaos even. Many of us are just scratching our heads and wondering, ‘what did I think that is creating all this?’

 Contrary to what my usual answer would be—that your thoughts always create your reality—this time I have to say that maybe you aren’t completely responsible! Remember, you aren’t the ONLY god!

 My take on the energy right now is that we are in the midst of the Cosmic Shift of the Ages, and everything is up in the air! We are approaching the long-foretold Zero point, the apex of the curve, and when we reach that it’s almost like a roller coaster climbing to the top of the BIIIIG hill. When we go over that point, we will be flying. Right now, we are just about to top it, and everything feels a bit weird. We KNOW something huge is about to let loose, and we are excited, but we just can’t quite see what it is, and if you are like me, you are feeling REALLY ungrounded, wobbly and unsure.

 The key to moving into the amazing feel of the next step is remembering your roots and your truth. What is that you ask? Remembering your connection to God as your source for everything. Letting go of trying to find any source other than God—especially trying to make things happen all by yourself.

 Once you get clear on this simple concept, you are immediately grounded, back in the flow of abundance and everything falls neatly into place once more. All you have to do is through your arms up in the air, squeal for joy and enjoy the ride!

For more info:

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Happy Holy Days!

We are in the midst of the holiday season. Shoppers are scurrying to buy the perfect last minute gifts. The tree is decorated and the kid’s stockings are hung in eager anticipation of a visit from Santa Claus.

I want to take this time to remind us of the meaning behind the season. The true celebration is the greeting of the Christ within each of us. This is the time for looking within and finding the blessing of the birth of that Christed Consciousness inside our hearts. This is the gift—not something that can be purchased at a department store. It’s the gift that you can only find for yourself, because it it was given to you at the beginning of time by Creator God. YOU are the Magi, the wise one who has journeyed far and wide to find your divinity.

During this blessed holy week, take the time to go within and remember who you are and why you are here. The veil is so thin right now. The heavenly host of angelic support is waiting to assist you. Join the procession. Sing Alleluia! Rejoice!

 It is with deep love that I send you my wishes for the most wonderful Christmas ever!

 - See more at:

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Find The Joy In The Holiday Season!

Holidays can be difficult times for many. This year is no exception. Third dimensional reality displays unemployment, sickness, and governmental upheaval. If we aren’t careful, we can easily get pulled into the drama. In fact, many of us on our path to higher consciousness unconsciously allow the thoughts of the masses to influence our emotions. How many times to you find yourself sad or depressed for no obvious reason?

 This time of year should be a time of joy and a time of renewal. Almost every spiritual tradition supports this, but where is this joy? Are you having difficulty decorating your house or buying holiday gifts this year? There seems to be a pervasive sense of lethargy hanging in the air.

 Let’s use our thoughts to become the change! If everyone who reads this blog participates, this could be a truly great experiment. Set aside a moment to go within to that place where love resides inside you. Look in that safe place where you store your treasures, right behind your heart. This is where you find the joy that can light up this holiday season for you, and when you flip that switch, you send your Light out into the world so that others can see it and remember the truth about why we are here. It can become a domino effect.

 The real purpose behind this holiday season isn’t the giving of gifts or the fancy parties. It is the remembering and rebirthing of your own personal TRUTH. You are both unique and powerful as the creator of your reality, and this season offers you the time to use your personal gifts to do just that – to create JOY. As you remember the feelings of joy, they become contagious, and you are able to share them with other. As you share joy, it grows within you. So take a moment each day to become joy.

And just in case I don’t tell you enough, I am deeply grateful to each of you for the joy you ignite within my heart and in my life. Thank you!

  - See more at:

Wednesday, 23 July 2014


Abandonment is one of the deep-seated fears that many of us hold. It’s been reinforced by wounding from people, places and situations over time to the point that like a thorn in our finger, we go to great lengths to avoid touching anything, in order to keep from stimulating that wound and feeling the pain again.

 Abandonment is an illusion that began when consciousness took motion or became. Everything is just energy. We all know that. But it is merely potential until motion is interjected into the equation. That is what (meta)-physicist Albert Einstein discovered many years ago. When the energy of consciousness took motion and became form, we appear to have reacted to this. Again, the laws of physics say that every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

 Some souls, probably not all because not everyone seems to deal with fear of abandonment, chose to perceive that we were being abandoned by the Creator. Another way we could have looked at this would have been that we were being set free by the Creator to play in the park and enjoy that freedom. Do you see this dichotomy?

If you, like me, have been dealing with fear of abandonment, I suggest that it is time to explore the possibilities that what we might have thought of as reality might just be a mis-perception!

For more info:

Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Gratitude is an amazing way to begin each day. By simply taking a moment to acknowledge your blessings you place yourself in the right energy to meet every person and situation that comes your way. It places you in the now moment, for sure, but gratitude does so much more. It places you in the flow of universal energy.

When you are in the flow, you are able to receive, so gratitude is a two-way energy. You are giving out love vibration when you give thanks, and the Universe returns that love back to you.

 So many wonderful things vibrate to the frequency of love—money, joy, perfect health and much, much more. The Law of Attraction tells us that what we are is what we attract, so today, stay in gratitude and attract wonderful things!

 Not just in this holiday season, but always—I want to express to each of you how much you mean to me! I love you deeply and I am grateful to you for your support, your essence and just YOU!  

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Thursday, 17 July 2014

Beings of NOW Message For Today

We would like to speak to you today of Limits. Inherently you are unlimited beings of the purest light – unimaginable to your minds at this point – limitless even though your perception tells you otherwise. Therefore we speak with you outside this box of preconceived notions, old beliefs and programs and we speak to you with a frequency that will allow you to break through to a new reality for yourselves. Open your hearts to a new resonance and allow it to penetrate to the core of your being, into your essence.

 For quite some time now this Messenger has been able to observe the limits she has imposed upon herself. We have brought her a stream of clients to mirror this phenomenum just to ensure that she understood how deeply engrained these programs and beliefs have become for you.

 Today we tell you that this “putting God in a box” is ending for you. You beautiful Beings of Light who have chosen to experience HU-man-ness, God in incarnation, are beloved beyond imagination by us and by all throughout all the Universes because this grand experiment in which you volunteered to participate is changing EVERYTHING. The ripple effect extends through all of creation and we honor you for this.

 For many of you this has been a difficult and painful journey back to your power place. It has been fraught with toil, fear, sadness and snares, but you have made it back, even though you might not be fully aware of this yet. The final step you must take now – if you are fully committed – is into CERTAINTY, the certainty of your truth. This maybe the hardest step of them all, but it need not be. If you believe in all that you have done and learned up to today then all you have to do is STEP – and this will be a giant leap that will open the door to your potential, a door that will never close again.

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Friday, 11 July 2014

Time Of New Birth

This is the season for new births and new beginnings. Bulbs are emerging from deep in the ground, trees are beginning to bud, flowers abound. We are in an interesting energy time as well. It’s time for us to reach up and shake off any remaining darkness as we emerge fully into the light for ourselves. Of course this means that our ‘stuff’ that we haven’t cleared will be in our face, primarily looking like our old nemesis, FEAR. But we have come far enough to be able to recognize fear for what it is. It’s a perception, a choice, and we can choose to see anything that causes us to be afraid differently. Always.

For me this season of birth has brought me a new grand-daughter! I didn’t think I would be blessed with any more, but the Universe always surprises us when we allow it! Trinity Daniel Stephens came into this world on April 3, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces of beautiful! Can you tell I am proud! Her parents are my daughter Amanda and her husband Clay Stephens.For more info:

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


Most of us are ready to become a more fully actualized human, to be on purpose and enjoy our lives to the fullest. Several years ago, our evolution we had more than 2 strands of DNA? I’m told that we had 144 strands actually. As the compassionate humans that we are, we assisted another civilization/species to survive by sharing what we had. There are no victims, so nobody ‘dumbed us down’ or limited us by taking away our extra DNA. We gave it lovingly and willingly to help others. We didn’t realize that there were aspects of consciousness associated with each strand of DNA, so when we ended up with only two, we’d given away 142 aspects of consciousness—gifts and abilities that were our birthright.!
Since that time there have been many ‘masters’ that have incarnated on Earth having all their DNA intact. Jesus is a good example, and he said, ‘everything I do, you can do, and more.’!

Here are two activations that will help you to locate latent strands of DNA and their associated abilities. Each of these glyphs holds the frequency that will help you locate what you think you have ‘lost’. Put your attention on the glyph and intend that you receive the activation and it will be so.!

Common sense has nothing to do with intelligence. Some of the smartest people in the world have shown to have very little common sense. This attribute is centered around making choices that are in alignment with the highest good of everyone. Once activated, you will begin to make all your choices from your heart center, rather than your  head, and you will find that everything you do begins to flow more easily.

! Some of our souls choose to experience the challenges associated with lack of intelligence for an incarnation—just to experience how this feels. Some of our souls choose the opposite. Again, it’s a choice. These judgments and gradients are merely things we can experience in a body, and on the ‘other side’ when we are free from the physical constraints, there is no difference between any of our souls and the amount of intelligence we have. !

Common sense is the key to the fast track of consciousness, and as it is opened everything increases incrementally.!

Jesus said, “I came that you should have life, and have it abundantly.” He didn’t say anything about loss, poverty, lack, pain or suffering. He lived this aspect of consciousness. Everything he required was provided for him, at exactly the moment it was needed. He walked in complete faith and trust that this would be so.!

Where did we get so far off track? When did we internalize the belief that there wasn’t enough to go around? Like so many of the limiting beliefs we have picked up over time, it doesn’t really matter where or when we learned this, only that it isn’t part of our soul makeup. Waking up to that point is the beginning of truly living here on Planet Earth. Until we accept this first basic tenet, fear still has the option of gaining a foothold in our lives.!

Fear slips into our awareness like water through a crack, and undermines our foundation until our entire reality falls into a sinkhole. It happens quickly, literally like a thief in the night, stealing our peace. Before we know it, it has consumed us. What we focus on is what we create, so fear begets more fear until we are paralyzed, stopped frozen in our tracks and unable to see clearly that it is just an illusion. Fear is the illusion, and abundance is our birthright.!

Your external reality is a reflection of your internal landscape. When you place your reference points for safety, security and success outside yourself, you look for your abundance in the external. The source of all abundance is in your connection to Creator God. It is unlimited.!

Abundance is a frequency, a vibration of energy, and unless you hold the energy of abundance within you, it won’t manifest in the outer world. !

With this activation you pull all your reference points back to your Divine Connection to Source and away from money, relationships, job, family, ‘stuff’ or anything outside of you. You create freedom for yourself!!

About Author:
Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak™ Breakthrough Coaching and Therapy Process, as well as being an author, radio show host, world traveler and financially  independent entrepreneur. Her passion is creating Quantum Change in her own life and she loves to share that with others, assisting them to do likewise.

Her nitty-gritty details are that she has a BA in Psychology from Florida State University, she completed the 4 year Education For Ministry curriculum from The University of  the South and she’s published 3 books – Soul Adventures, Reframe Your World: Conscious Creation In The New Reality, and her latest, Power Tools: The Ultimate Owner’s Manual For Personal Empowerment – PLUS 2 amazing decks of empowerment cards: The InnerSpeak Cards and Reconnecting Soul: 142 DNA Activation Cards. All are available on,

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Relationships 101 – Connection

In today’s world we have become used to looking for our connectivity externally. Look at how attached we are to the media, Facebook and our smartphones. Increasingly we look for relationships virtually as well—hence the popularity of online dating, and this becomes addictive too. If you have ever been a member of an online dating site you will recognize the symptoms: constantly checking email to see if someone ‘liked’ your profile and spending hours searching the database looking for Prince or Princess Charming.

What happens to you physically when you do this? You become emotionally and physically exhausted without even realizing why! When you place your reference points for connection external to yourself, it drains your energy.

In fact what we are all searching for in relationship is SOUL connection. We are trying to complete our soul circuit, just like electricity needs a completed circuit to light a bulb. The ONLY place you can find that connection is within, and there is the basis for being able to create a healthy connection with another—you must become what you desire before you can attract it!

Take time today to go within. Ask your Higher Self to locate all the reference points for connection you have placed outside yourself—on others, on technology etc. and bring them back within your own heart. As you find your love within, you will attract to you people who likewise love themselves.

About Author:
Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak™ Breakthrough Coaching and Therapy Process, as well as being an author, radio show host, world traveler and financially independent entrepreneur. Her passion is creating Quantum Change in her own life and she loves to share that with others, assisting them to do likewise.

Her nitty-gritty details are that she has a BA in Psychology from Florida State University, she completed the 4 year Education For Ministry curriculum from The University of the South and she’s published 3 books – Soul Adventures, Reframe Your World: Conscious Creation In The New Reality, and her latest, Power Tools: The Ultimate Owner’s Manual For Personal Empowerment – PLUS 2 amazing decks of empowerment cards: The InnerSpeak Cards and Reconnecting Soul: 142 DNA Activation Cards. All are available on,