Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Holiday Magic

The holiday season can be challenging. This year is no exception. Third dimensional reality displays unsettled feelings about the economy, terrorism, and political infighting around the next election. If we aren’t careful, we can easily get pulled into the drama. In fact, many of us on our path to higher consciousness unconsciously allow the thoughts of the masses to influence our emotions. How many times to you find yourself sad or depressed for no obvious reason?

This time of year should be a time of joy and a time of renewal. Almost every spiritual tradition supports this, but where is this joy? Are you having difficulty decorating your house or buying holiday gifts this year? There seems to be a pervasive sense of lethargy hanging in the air. Even the sales figures for Black Friday weren’t up to expectations.

Let’s use our thoughts to become the change! We can create a truly great experiment together. Set aside a moment to go within to that place where love resides inside you. Look in that safe place where you store your treasures, right behind your heart. This is where you find the joy that can light up this holiday season for you, and when you flip that switch, you send your light out into the world so that others can see it and remember the truth about why we are here. It can become a domino effect. When we remember that joy is a vibration it becomes easier to connect with and activate that within. When we forget that joy is a vibration, we tend to forget that we have a choice in creating it.

The real purpose behind this holiday season isn’t the giving of gifts or the fancy parties. It is the remembering and rebirthing of your own personal truth. Who you are really is light, a reflection of Spirit who shines through you.

You are both unique and powerful as the creator of your reality, and this season offers you the opportunity to use your personal gifts to do just that. The magic of this season lies in our ability to create JOY. As you remember the feelings of joy, they become contagious, and you are able to share them with others. As you share joy, it grows within you, multiplying the energy of it. Enjoy this grand experiment by taking a moment each day simply to become joy and observe how your joy spreads.

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

Find out more at: http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Sunday, 6 December 2015

My Holiday Gift

During this time of year, many of our thoughts turn to gift giving—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaanza—we make our lists and choose our purchases carefully. This year I decided to focus on something different. I spend a lot of time writing, teaching and talking about looking within to find our answers and to connect with our power to create our reality. So this year I decided to give a gift to myself rather than giving to others.

It became an interesting challenge. I really don’t need anything material, because I basically have everything I need, in fact, lately I have been ridding myself of excess. Anything that hasn’t been worn or used in the last four years has been given away or sold, with the exception of a few family things that have particular meaning to me. I wanted my gift to be meaningful and special. I thought and thought about what this unique gift might be. Maybe a piece of jewelry…no, I already have too much jewelry. What about a something really huge like a new car? I just couldn’t justify that in this economy. I was really at a loss.

Some holiday music was playing on the radio, and as I sat half listening, half dozing, I heard “The Little Drummer Boy” and the verse where he decides to give the Christ child his drum. It occurred to me that the best, most appropriate present I could give myself might be to give away a part of myself to someone else. Remember the words of Jesus when he said, “What you do to the least of these, you do also to me.” Then I realized once again the true meaning of this holiday season. It doesn’t matter what religion you belong to or what philosophy you espouse, this is a universal truth. If you take the time, effort and love to do something for someone else, you give yourself a far greater gift than anything you could buy.

My gift to you is deep gratitude and love which knows no bounds.

For  more info :http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Monday, 2 November 2015

Where’s My Helmet?

The place where the battle for peace occurs is in our mind, not in the situations or people around us (where we generally assume it happens). The choice for peace is a moment by moment decision, and it is a choice.

When our mind is focused on our truth, the choice is easy, because there aren’t any distractions to pull us into the past, worry or fear. Therefore it’s really important to get clear on what that truth is. I talk a lot about core values—those things that are truly important to us. When you take the time to figure them out, you are led to your truth.

How can we keep our mind in one piece? By keeping it in one peace! This means protecting the mind from the outer influences that pull us out of our core values and into a fractured reality. Here are some examples:

focusing on the past opens the door to sadness, depression, beating yourself up over mistakes you made

worrying about the future allows you to go into fear and create things you really don’t want, rather than the ones you prefer

following the beliefs of others blindly steals your consciousness and can lead to feelings of being ‘less than’

Let your truth be your helmet of protection. Allow it to surround your mind and deflect everything that doesn’t resonate.

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

It’s An Inside Job

We have almost made it through one of the most powerful times in known history on our planet, and through all the hype about blood moons, eclipses, and mercury retrograde, on the surface it doesn’t appear that much has changed. Au contraire my friends! Much HAS changed. In case you haven’t noticed, our perspective has shifted. Those of us who have been on our paths for a while (and if you are reading this, that includes you) have taken notice of the opportunity for personal growth that recent energies have supported and released everything that wasn’t supporting our moving forward anymore. Not saying this has been easy, since we have been given ‘opportunities’ to test to see if we were

serious about doing this. I don’t know about you, but personally I have been radical with letting go. I just don’t want to miss a trick with this!

 What have I encountered? People wanting to push my buttons to make sure I am committed to stay in a neutral space among other things. I really enjoy the teachings of Matt Kahn, who says to just love what comes up, and Aleya Dao, who has taught me to activate the energy of what I want within my self.

My tips for you today? Breathe. We are poised to see a lot of positive growth and forward movement in the next few days. Keep focused on what you want in your life and ask the the energy of it be activated within you. In one of the most familiar quotes of the ‘new thought’ movement, Gandhi said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” I believe he was telling us to hold the energy of what you desire in your center so that it can manifest in the outer world.

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Monday, 14 September 2015


We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle. Even today, fitness gurus teach “no pain/no gain”.

Everything is energy. That’s all. You are energy. The reason you incarnate on Planet Earth is to remember that and to learn how to manage what you are. In plainer words – to learn how to manipulate energy in order to create matter.

All that you are can be expressed in this way – Divine Thought. When you can remember this one concept, you will hold the ultimate key to manifestation. All the power of the Universes is contained within your heart and your mind – or more precisely within the mind of your heart. Therefore, with your thoughts, you can do anything, create anything, and transform anything. Everything that you see or perceive in your own particular reality is the product of your thoughts. And if you want to maximize your ability to create what you want in your life, you have to understand this. You have to BELIEVE this.

The energy frequency of creation is love, so according to the natural law of attraction, in order to attune yourself with your creative power, you must align with the frequency of love. You must love yourself at every level and in every way. This has been a hurdle for many because dogmas have told you that this was inappropriate – that focusing your attention on loving yourself was wrong, selfish. You have been taught that you were supposed to love others first – to place them in a greater place of importance than your hold yourself. Well guess what that did for you? When you believed that dictum is the point where you gave away your power to create. It was this shift in your energy away from your inherent power of love that has been documented in so many cultures as the fall from grace.

Everything you desire to change in your reality is possible through the energy of love. Rather than disliking the things you don’t want to see anymore—your irritating boss, your debt, your flabby thighs or any aspect of your body you deem to be in ill health—you must first love them. Fall deeply in love with them. Expand your heart center and allow it to communicate your love to your body, your bills and your boss. Love them totally and then decide what you would like to create. Would that be a completely new job, enough money to erase your debts, a younger or healthier body? Decide—commit fully to your decision and then love it.

In the past, where we have fallen short in efforts of manifest what we wanted was due to lack of commitment. When commitment wasn’t there, we didn’t really believe it was possible to have “it” (whatever it was). This was because we didn’t truly love ourselves enough to blow through old beliefs around deserving. If there is any doubt, you will not be able to materialize the energy of creation into the density of your dimension of reality. In plain English – you won’t be able to make it dense enough to be able to see it, even though you will have created it energetically. Therefore, if you catch yourself questioning whether or not something is going to happen for you, you can know for sure that you have fallen away from your commitment.

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host. Find out more at www.JeanAdrienne.com

Wednesday, 9 September 2015


I thought I WAS flexible! That is when the Universe decided to show me all the areas where I wasn’t. For several years I have dealt with knee pain and the inability of my right knee to bend past a ninety degree angle (can you say ‘inflexible’?) Over time I have tried many healing methods to correct this with little or no change.

Recently I was made aware of just how rigid I had become relative to schedules and my own timeframes when I was in charge of hosting a healer at my office. It seemed that every appointment was delayed, changed or conflicted, and I found myself getting more and more stressed, until the point where I just had to let it go. I gave up. In that moment I realized that each and every person got exactly what they needed when they needed it, and the only one who was stressing was ME. That’s when I realized the degree of inflexibility I had reached! In that moment, a physical change occurred in my body. While I still can’t bend my knee completely yet, I am now able to get it past that old ninety degree point. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I will be able to sit in the child pose and get back to my yoga practice!

Tied in with this lesson is the idea of complete surrender—I now call it ‘free-falling’. As I let go of my rigid thoughts about how things should be, I am freeing myself from the restraints I was placing on my reality and miracles are showing up, more and more every day!

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Monday, 31 August 2015

INTEGRITY – Who Are We Fooling?

I just love how my clients bring me my unhealed issues! This lesson started several weeks ago when someone needed to deal with betrayal and lying in their relationship. After their session I sat and considered what she was showing me about myself. I just couldn’t figure it out. I try my darndest to stay in integrity in every area of my life. I am honest, sometimes to a fault, so it wasn’t computing for me. The following week, another client showed up for a session, and this one was having difficulty telling the truth. Hmmm…two in a row, but still the lesson eluded me. The final straw happened last week. Another client dealing with integrity. At this point I was sure that this was MY issue, but I still couldn’t figure it out, so I opened my InnerSpeak manual and did a session on myself. I was shown that this lack of integrity began for me before I incarnated into this lifetime! Out of fear, I lied to myself, to my Guides, even to the Creator. Rather than take the assignment that was mine for this incarnation, I said I couldn’t handle it, that I would rather do something a little less daunting. I settled for less than I could have.

Thus began a pattern of ‘settling’, and I have done this in relationships, jobs, education, and even in success. I thought all along I was putting up a good front, appearing to be doing well, when all the time, I knew I could have done, been and had more. The only one who was fooled was me.

At the end of my session, I went back to the ‘launch pad’ and renegotiated my contract for this lifetime. I asked to be given the full task, no matter how difficult. I decided to go for it with everything I have. I know I can do it, because I am supported at every level, and never again will I settle for anything less than the best.

Are there areas in your life where you are playing small? Are you holding back out of fear of failing? Why would you want to do less than your best? Take some time today to assess where you are relative to integrity. You can renegotiate your contract too. Time’s a’wasting!

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

What’s Your Motivation?

It used to be that we could set goals for success based on financial gains. That’s how we have been trained for years. From childhood we are taught that this is a goal-oriented society; that we should strive for and work hard to attain the goals we set. We’ve been told that without goals, we are floundering like a ship without a sail or a rudder. Am I right?

Everything has changed in the last year. Mass consciousness has risen to a higher level than ever before. We are being showered with vast amounts of light, and that is helping us all to move to new places. However, many of us don’t understand what this means or how best to work in this new reality. It’s so different from anything we’ve ever been exposed to before. Because of this shift, many people are trying to cling to the old ways of living, being and doing. It just isn’t working anymore.

Are you feeling this as well? Are you motivated one day and flattened then next? Do you start down a path or on a project only to find that you lose interest halfway through? These are all symptoms of holding onto the past.

Creation now has to come from our heart, rather than our head. In order to really understand what this means, we have to look at the greater good. For example, if I want to make more money in my career, my old way of doing this would have been to work harder, longer hours, more calls, etc. Now, I must consider how my job, my work, can help more people to succeed. I have to look at what can I give to the outer world that will support higher consciousness, rather than how many students can I get to sign up for my latest class, for example. It really is about the flow—how can I give more to the world, forgetting about what do I get in return. That part will happen organically, based on the laws of the Universe!

Here are some ideas that can help you to move into a new way of living, one that is more in alignment with the new energies on our planet:

  • focus on what you are passionate about from the standpoint of how it can help others
  • stay grounded and connected to the earth
  • your body is your earth energy—meditate and allow your heart to show you what IT wants
  • ask the question – ‘how can I best serve the highest good of all?’

As we all move into this more 5D way of relating, the flow will come more quickly, and we will all be able to stay in it more easily—for longer periods of time. It’s a win-win!

For More Info : http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

The Way Things Happen

We have choices all the time—how we will react, what we will do based on the situations at hand. Three years ago, a worker fund a thriving hive of honeybees under my log cabin, right under my bedroom. I had to call a beekeeper to remove them. The man gave me a piece of the comb, and it was the most delicious honey I had ever tasted. At the time I wasn’t living there full time, and when I did move to my mountain two years ago, I decided to take up beekeeping as a hobby. Last week I harvested five gallons of amazing honey, and almost immediately, sold 2 gallons of it. My sweet bee-ladies are paying for their keep!

I had a choice. I could have looked at the invasion of the bees as a nuisance—even tried to kill them (ok, that was never an option for me!) Rather I chose to support their existence on my land and help them to thrive. In return they allow me to taste the ‘sweetness of life”.

What choices are facing you today? How will you look at them? As a loving observer or as a judge? Just sayin’~

For More Info : http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Shift IS Happening!

There is a ton of energetic movin’ and shakin’ taking place on Planet Earth right now, and I’m not just talking about the weather! We have stepped through the doorway into a completely new reality, both physically and energetically. How’s that working for YOU?

In my world, I am looking at everything completely differently than I did even two weeks ago. I have a clarity that wasn’t there before, a detachment even, that is healthy. Additionally I am finding that manifestation is happening VERY quickly, so I’m having to stay present with my thoughts and my words, in order to ensure that I’m creating what I want rather than what I don’t.

The ‘Tip of the Day’ that I want to share with you has to do with staying centered. Pull your energies inside, to your heart space. Let go of the ‘outer’, then pull that center down a bit lower, around your belly button. This will have the effect of lowering your center of gravity. Now imagine you are riding a surf board, shifting your balance to adjust to match the movement of the wave. Have fun with this, and hold this vision throughout the day. Ride the energies now in just the same manner. Maintain your center and stay above the wave. You will be amazed at how much easier your ride will be, so enjoy it!

As always, if you need some coaching, I’m here for you! On the homepage of my website is a button you can click for a complimentary consultation to boost your confidence on your adventure!

For More Info : http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Happiness Is An Inside Job

How long have you been searching for contentment, only to find that when you find what you thought would make you happy, after a while you find it doesn’t, and the search begins anew. this cycle of discontent always occurs when we look outside ourselves for anything. And look we do.

The human tendency, and the way we have been trained, is to set goals, then strive to achieve them. I’m not saying this is a bad idea, but it reinforces the idea that there is always something outside that will mean success. In our modern-day world, most of us equate success with happiness.

All too often in my coaching practice I see clients looking for that perfect relationship, that perfect job or that perfect place to live. They believe that once they find it, everything will change for them. It never does in the long run. There is always another lover, another job or another home, and the bottom line is still the same. They are looking.

When we place reference points for any emotion on something outside, our focus becomes scattered. We look energetically like a porcupine, with tentacles moving out in all directions as we reach for the things we think we lack. Then, we aren’t able to use those energies to consciously create the things we desire. Conscious creation requires focus.

Why do we fall into this trap? There are many reasons, but primarily it boils down to our belief systems. Bottom line—we don’t believe we are powerful enough to be able to create happiness, whatever the form we think it my be!

These limiting beliefs come from many areas. We inherit them from our parents and our ancestral lineage. We bring them in from other lifetimes. Things happen to us in this lifetime that set them up. We take on the beliefs of friends and lovers, and the list goes on and on.

Figuring out what these beliefs are is another story. If they were easy to locate, we wouldn’t have them! If we consciously knew what they were, we would laugh and change them. And if we didn’t have them? Well, life would be pretty good, wouldn’t it!

For More Info :  http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Hiking a Georgia waterfall in a pair of flip-flops might not be the best idea, but for me it created a situation where I could test my healing skills—on myself. I live in a cabin in the mountains of north Georgia within a short driving distance of eight waterfalls and hiking them is one of my passions. i decided to climb up one, then decided that wasn’t a very good idea. On my way down I slipped and fell, and thought immediately, “I probably broke my arm.” My hand was just hanging there. It hurt really bad. I plunged my arm into the frigid waters of the stream to stop the swelling, then called on the Seven Healing Rays—violet to calm my emotions and green to work with bones and joints. While I was working with these colors, I formulated a plan to have my friends take me home. But when I pulled my arm out of the water, it felt so much better that i went on to hike the next waterfall. Without an X-ray we’ll never know if my arm was broken, but i spent the rest of her day with my friends in the outdoors instead of at an emergency room.

We all have awakening stories – those moments when we KNOW the curtain between the physical and spiritual worlds is as thin as a tissue. For me, this moment happened when I took a class called Seven Rays Healing. After the first class, where I was introduced to Ascended Masters through a meditation, I went home and went to bed.

A booming voice woke me up in the middle of the night and said, “Put your hands together and please put the soles of your feet together!” I looked over at my sleeping ex-husband thinking he was playing a joke on me. He wasn’t. He was sound asleep. So I put my hands and feet together. An amazing movie of purple and violet shapes flashed before my eyes. The next day I showed up early for the second day of the class so I could tell my teacher what happened. She showed me a copy of sacred geometry drawings from “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” by Drunvalo Melchizidek. I had been given a vision of sacred geometry that changed the trajectory of my life. After the class, she spent the next three months eating, sleeping and writing her book “Soul Adventures” and creating the InnerSpeak energy response work that would become the basis for my coaching.

I use a lot of healing modalities including Reiki, but Seven Rays is the form of hands-on healing I use most often. It’s fast, intense and specific. I use it once and the job gets done. Plus it’s an important tool in my individual coaching sessions, along with my primary modality, InnerSpeak. One of the rays usually comes in when I’m working with someone. And people always have results.

Here are some additional tips for healing work – for others as well as yourself. You can’t heal someone who doesn’t want to be healed, they MUST participate in the process. She believes that there are 4 tenets to healing: a) it must be requested, b) the client has to participate, c) they will only be healed to the level of their consciousness or their belief, and d) gratitude is the cement that makes it last. Healing always leaves an empty space, and since nature hates a vacuum it will fill it—sometimes with the very thing you wanted to get rid of. So give thanks for what you receive—gratitude seals the deal! It’s the thing that brings God’s love pouring in. And forgiveness always comes in as part of the
healing process.

Since the Universe’ answer to every request is always yes, it’s important to stay open to possibilities. We limit how much we can receive by thinking we know what’s supposed to happen. When we do any form of healing we have to stay in surrender, and not be attached to any outcome, because only at the level of the Higher Self, can any of us know what is the best solution for ourselves or others. Anything less is a form of judgment and that is against the Universal Rules!

For More Info :  http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Mercury Retrograde Is Cranking Up Again…

By all I have read, this one might be a doozy, so back your computers up today! Why, you ask? Mercury is retrograding in Gemini, the sign of communication and transportation, and Mercury is the planet that rules both of those. Top that, the planet Mars (anger, the male aspect) is opposing all of this. In the past I have talked at length about how to navigate the territory of retrograde Mercury, but I will review that for you a little – this is the time to do things that start with RE: review, read, revise, re-try, rest. It’s not a time to start new things, buy cars or computers, or sign contracts. Just double check all your detail and you should be fine.
When Mercury goes direct in mid-June, I will be announcing a brand new class. It will be exciting, something I have never offered before, and it will be web-based, so you can attend no matter where you live. If you are interested and want to know more now, just pop me an email (jean@JeanAdrienne.com), and I will be happy to share what I have planned so far)!

For More Info :  http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Monday, 4 May 2015

Eating The Elephant

Many of us have difficulty realizing our dreams because of the unseen obstacles that get between us and them. These blocks are are elephants allowing us to only see pieces and parts of what we desire—the front part or the tail end—but not the big picture.

What is this elephant comprised of? Unprocessed emotions, such as fear and loneliness, for sure, but it also is filled with a lot of ‘what if’s’. For example, what if the object of my desire doesn’t exist? Or, what if I get what I have been wanting but I lose it or it doesn’t want me? What are some of the ‘what it’s’ that are keeping you from pursuing your dream?

All to often, we allow that elephant to keep us waiting—waiting for it to move out of our way. There is the thought that if we wait a bit longer, something will change and we will be more ready, or be better, or be thinner, or be wealthier. That ol’ elephant just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

Today, it’s time to get rid of the elephant once and for all. We’ve been told that the best way to approach a problem is to pick it apart, to “eat the elephant one bite at a time.” Not today! Right now, imagine YOUR elephant, what ever is holding you back, see it as an elephant. Let’s make this guy more friendly. Paint it pink! See, you are smiling already!  Now allow all the what if’s that   fill your elephant up to make themselves visible to you so that you can see them clearly for what they are—stuff…

OK, shrink your elephant down to the size of a postage stamp or even better, to a gummy bear. Pop it into your mouth, chew it up and swallow it. From now on, it’s just poop. Nothing more.

Now you are free to pursue your dreams. With the obstacles gone, you can see clearly that they are right in front of you. Join the fun. Go for the grand prize because you deserve it!

For More info : http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Friday, 27 March 2015

Tips For Moving Through Precious Times

My intended title for this blog was Tips For Moving Through Precarious Times, but as I began typing, the title corrected itself. We are in precious times—the ones we have been waiting for, for lifetimes probably.

Today I want to share my thoughts on how to maximize the positive impact of the current energetic flow. The full moon eclipse this Friday marks a major new beginning for all of us. We can choose to step into a higher vibration (or not). The potential in this new energy is for abundance, faster manifesting of your desires, and full realization of your power and contribution to the good of all.

Here are my suggestions:
  • Consciously locate all the ways you are attached to the old way of doing things. Find a new, higher vibrational way to approach everything in your life.
  • Give yourself permission to let go of any repetitive pattern that hasn’t served you up to this point, and replace it with a healthy choice
  • Examine your FAITH. Look for anything you are afraid of losing, because there is no loss in Divine Plan, and loss in out of alignment with the new energies and your true self. If you are afraid of losing something or someone—GIVE it away rather than allowing it to hold you back on your path
  • Do something every day to express love to yourself. Find ways to have fun and commit to doing them often.
You can come up with even more creative ways too. I would love to hear your suggestions, so please send them! I will post them in my Blog on my website and give you credit!

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Questions That Can Change Your Life

Did you ever consider that your life can be influenced by the quality of the questions you ask? Depending on what you ask and how you language the question can make a difference between a positive answer and a negative one.

For example, if you ask “why is everything going wrong?” rather than “what if everything is changing for the better?” you place yourself in a negative energetic place rather than a positive one. Where your attention goes, your energy flows, so if you are focused on the negative, that is what you will create in your reality!

Why not make your questions open-ended? This is a tool I was taught in my early days of sales training. We were told that the most important thing we can do is to listen to the customer, and ask open-ended questions. If you ask a yes or no question, you get a one word answer—very little information flows back to you. But if you ask a leading question, you open the conversation to allow the other person to tell you everything you need, and sometimes things you didn’t eve know you needed!

Here is how you can apply this tip to enrich and change your life for the better—begin every question with ‘What if…?” This opens the door for the Universe to bring you answers that potentially will exceed your expectations.

An example is “what if I could do ___?” Ask this question and listen for the answer. You just created space for being able to do whatever you were asking about without limiting yourself in any way!

Another way to use this tool might be to ask “what might be the result of____?” or “how could I benefit from doing____?” All of these questions allow you to ponder possibilities.

I suggest that you set aside time every day to work with questions. Use your journal.Get into a quiet space where you have about ten minutes and won’t be disturbed. Write one of these questions (or something that is appropriate to where you are in your life at that moment). Then sit quietly with that until you get an answer. The response might come in the form of a ‘bright idea’, or a fleeting thought, but you might look up and see a sign on the side of a passing truck that gives you the inspiration you were looking for. Don’t limit yourself or the Universe—be open to all possibilities. Give yourself permission to expand!

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com/

Sunday, 8 February 2015


It’s LOVE month, and the bug question is: how we can each have more love in our lives—not just in February, but all the time. First, we must fully understand that love has to happen within before it can manifest in the outer world. Second, love is simply energy, so the Law of Attraction is in operation around love just like any other form of energy.

Here are a few tips for creating more love:

1.Go back through your personal timeline, and think about every love you have ever had. Start with your mother/father, then your kindergarten crush, high school romance, every love you can think of regardless of how significant. Expand this search out to encompass all significant relationships. With each one say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive you. I love you. Thank you.” Even if you don’t think there is anything that you can remember that requires forgiveness on either part, do it anyway. We never know how we affect another person.

2.Take fifteen minutes every day to tell yourself how much you love YOU-every part of you.

3.Write a note to three people who have meaning in your life and mail it (yes—stamp and post office kind of mail—we just don’t do enough of this anymore, and it always makes us feel good to get a hand-written note in our mailbox, doesn’t it!)

Now, let’s expand on each of these exercises. In our timeline, every relationship that we can remember has significance because it shaped a part of us in some way. Odds are the ones you will remember are the ones that had a negative impact, although some of them may just be pleasant memories. As I was doing this exercise, I actually remembered a boyfriend when I was 18 years old, who dumped me for another girl. Until I did this exercise I had forgotten him, and when I did the forgiveness piece, all those old memories came flooding back—my wounded heart, the negative effect on my self-esteem and much more, plus I was able to see the larger picture of how I had allowed this to stand between me an love for the rest of life!

Since love must begin inside ourselves, the second exercise will assist you in believing that you really do love yourself. In the beginning, it will bring up for you all the pieces of you that you don’t love so that you can heal. It’s a process.

Finally, by giving love to others, you open a place in your heart where the Universe can supply you with what you are giving away. The love notes will open your heart in a way that may surprise you!

Jean Adrienne is the developer of the InnerSpeak Breakthrough Coaching Method. She’s an author, teacher and talk radio host.

Find out more at: www.jeanadrienne.com

Thursday, 15 January 2015


Consider yourself blessed if you are able to fall asleep easily and get a good night’s rest! For the majority of people, however, this is just a pipe dream, and sleep (or the lack thereof) has become their worst nightmare.

Why is the lack of sleep such an issue? First, the body requires rest in order to heal and process the energy of the day. Lack of sleep has now been scientifically proven to be connected to heart disease, post traumatic stress syndrome, obesity, ADHD and autism, among other health issues. At a minimum, your body needs seven hours of sleep every night.

What are some things that disrupt your sleep cycle? A full bladder is one of the major complaints that wake people up at night and disturb their rest. But did you know that light can do this too? Especially the light emitted by the LEDs on digital clocks. In fact, these lights also put out frequencies that can impact your circadian rhythm, and not in a good way. While not scientifically proven, it is also thought that electric devices that have an A/C adapter can also emit EMF that disrupts your sleep.

What can you do to improve your rest and support your body? First, remove anything in the bedroom that can potentially alter your circadian rhythm - your smart phone, television sets, PC, digital clocks are all good examples. Your bedroom should be a temple for sleep, not a place to work, watch TV or be distracted. Next, allow your evening to be a path to sleep. You can do this by reducing stimulation after the dinner hour. Be discriminating with what you watch on TV and eliminate shows that evoke strong response in your nervous system. Cut out caffeine after lunch. Some of us need to cut it out after our morning coffee actually! Don’t forget—chocolate is LOADED with caffeine. Empty your bladder before bed.

This one may sound counter-intuitive, but before you go to bed, drink a glass of room temperature (or even warm) water. If your kidneys are working properly, this shouldn’t cause your bladder to be over stimulated. On the other side, cut back on heavy intake of liquids in the evening—moderation is the key here.

The nutritional supplement melatonin has been proven to be a God-send for those with sleep issues. It’s a hormone produced by the pineal gland. As we age our pineal glands produce less of it, and some chemicals such as fluoride had been shown to slow the production of it even in children. It regulates the sleep cycle, and it doesn’t take much. It’s an inexpensive, natural solution. The recommended dosage is 1 - 3 mg taken an hour before bedtime. Melatonin has other positive effects including potential anti-aging abilities.

If, after all these are tried and you still have trouble either falling asleep or getting back to sleep in the night, be sure not to lay in bed and fret. Get up, go to another room and read or work on a project (not watch TV) until sleep comes naturally for you. Best not to allow sleep issues to become associated with your bed!

Finally, fall in love with sleep. What we resist persists, so when you fight sleep, you just prolong the problem. Sweet Dreams!

For more info: www.jeanadrienne.com

Monday, 5 January 2015


One of the most powerful tools we can use for personal growth and conscious creation is absolutely free—it only requires a pen and a notebook! Journaling is a great way to clear your mind, focus your thoughts and manifest what you desire. Here are some pointers to get you started, or if you are already journaling, to hone your skills and improve your technique.!

First, let’s examine the how’s and why’s of journaling. I suggest that you will achieve your best and most satisfying results if you do it longhand (hence the reference to pen and notebook), although many use the computer or free blog sites. Writing your  thoughts in a notebook with a pen or pencil engages both hemispheres of your brain in a more complete way than typing on a computer. I find it easier to journal in the morning, when my mind is fresh. Try making a commitment to yourself to do it every day. Julia Cameron, in her book The Artist’s Way, says to write three pages every day.That’s a great initial commitment.

When I first began journaling, I bought the smallest notebook I could find, because I was sure I wouldn’t be able to come up with enough words to even fill a page. Within a week I graduated to a college-ruled version so that I would have more room to chronicle my thoughts!

Why is journaling an effective tool? Where we put our attention is where our energy flows, and where our energy flows is what we create on the physical plane. Journaling focuses your thoughts and gives you a channel for your energy. One important note here is to make sure that you don’t allow your writing to become a ‘bitch session’ however. Why? For the exact reason that journaling is such a great tool for manifesting! If you focus on what you DON’T like about your reality, you will just create more of that. Keep if positive. Even in the suggested topics that follow, you can explore seemingly negative areas of your reality in healthy ways allowing for inner healing.!

Here are some suggestions for topics you can use to get you started:!

1. Who Am I Really?!
2. What Are My Core Negative or Limiting Beliefs?!
3. If I Had 5 Imaginary Lives to Lead Now - What Would They Be?!
4. Who Are My Poisonous Playmates? (Friends who squander your time and energy) and why have I allowed them to stay in my life?!
5. Who Are The Crazymakers In My Life? (People who a.) control you; b.) break deals & destroy schedules, c.) discount your reality; d.) create blame and drama; e.) hate schedules and order except their own) and why haven’t I fired them?!
6. List 20 Things I Enjoy Doing. Next to each one put a date that reflects the last time you did each one.!
7. What Am I Angry About?
8. What Am I Ashamed Of?

Finally, close each day’s entry with something I call Attitude of Gratitude. List at least five things you are grateful for at the moment. This is probably the most important thing you will do. Focusing on your blessings creates even more of them!

Jean Adrienne is and intuitive coach and inspirational speaker, and the developer of InnerSpeak, a process to assist in easily releasing the blocks which keep you from manifesting the reality you desire and deserve.

For more info: http://www.jeanadrienne.com/